Showing posts with label Mobile phone essentials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mobile phone essentials. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Google Chrome : Reduce Data usage in Chrome mobile browser

In some countries, Internet data tariff is very high which some times go beyond the budget of the user.

To overcome this, Google chrome has recently came up with a new option called "Reduce Data Usage".Initially the option is introduced only in Chrome Beta version for mobile phones. Now the option has been introduced in standard version too.

How to enable this Reduce Data Usage Option :

  • Open Google Chrome Browser in your mobile.
  • Tap the menu button of your smartphone that shows the list of menu.
  • Choose settings - Reduce Data Usage
  • Swap the Option to ON which will be intially in OFF status.

We are done. You can monitor anytime, how much data is reduced while you are browsing in Google Chrome Browser.

How this Data Reduction Works :

Usually, websites will contain Images with high quality for enhanced viewing in desktop , laptop like big screens.

If we are visiting those websites using mobile phones, it is sufficient if the image size is small enough to our mobile screen. So Google reduces sizes of such images suitable to mobile phone screens which results in enormous reduction in data usage and also increase the website speed considerably.


This data compression will not work for viewing videos in Chrome browser. So, It is better to view videos in YouTube as Youtube has excellent video compressing technology.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Find SIM number - To know PUK number

SIM number and PUK number are entirely different. A basic understanding of these numbers would be helpful in critical situations.

SIM number :
  • There are two kinds of services provided by most of the mobile networks across the world.
  • GSM and CDMA.
  • If you are a GSM subcriber, then your mobile network will provide a SIM card , in which a SIM number which consists of 10 to 20 digits will be printed.
  • If you locked your PIN number or trying to retrieve PUK code for your SIM card , some mobile networks will ask for the SIM number to retrieve the PUK code. 
         Click here to know PUK number.

How to find your SIM number :
  1. Switch off your mobile phone
  2. Remove your phone back cover
  3. Remove the battery
  4. Carefully take out the SIM card from SIM card slot.
  5. In your SIM card, you can see a 20 digit number is printed as shown in the below image.
  6. Note it down somewhere , and use it whenever necessary.
SIM number finder

Find IMEI number | Track Stolen Phone

To find IMEI number :

What is IMEI number :
  • IMEI number is an unique number associated with every mobile phone. Recently a standard has been made that every phone manufacturer should incorporate IMEI number to every mobile phone pieces they manufacture.
  • IMEI is the abbrevation of  International Mobile Station Equipment Identity . In some countries , IMEI number is referred as IMED number.

How to find my IMEI number:
  • In your phone screen , type *#06#
  • Immediately your IMEI number will be displayed in your mobile screen. The IMEI number , in general consists of 9 to 15 digists unique number.
  • If you have dual SIM phone, two IMEI numbers will be displayed corresponding to each SIM card.

How to find IMEI for stolen Phone:
  • The only option is to find IMEI number printed on the BOX of the mobile phone.
 To find IMEI number
  • If you have already registered for any anti theft application, then you can contact them to retrieve your IMEI number for the stolen phone.

How to report theft for stole phone using IMEI number:

  • If you are in India, you can email to You have to mention your IMEI number, name, address, last SIM number etc in your email.
  • If you are outside India, you can approach some other service providers who track your theft phone for charges starting from 5$

Monday, November 3, 2014

Meaning for Call forwarding on conditional

Meaning of Call forwarding on conditional

Are you receiving a pop up message in your phone screen like “Call Forwarding on Conditional” , each and every time you dial an outgoing call.

Do not worry. It means that call forwarding option is activated in your mobile phone for one or more condition.

Following are the conditions , you can forward a call when the conditions is true.

Condition 1: When Busy :- means that call will be forwarded to the number you have setup , when you are busy with another call.

Condition 2: When Not reachable :- means that call will be forwarded to another mobile number you have input , when you are in a remote or not reachable location.

Condition 3: When Switched Off :- means that the incoming call will be forwarded to another mobile number , when your mobile phone is switched off.

Condition 4: When the Call is answered :- means that the incoming call will be forwarded to another mobile number , when your missed the call for certain number of rings.

Apart from this call waiting option is also available in every mobile phone.

If you want to remove this Call Forwarding on Conditional option, then go to Setting -> Phone settings -> Call settings -> Call forward .
Now uncheck or disable all the call forwarding conditions that you have enabled. Thereafter you will not receive that popup while making a call.

You can use this conditional call forwarding option very effectively. Click here to see more.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to check, remove your name and mobile number in truecaller app database

Privacy becomes the main concern nowadays , as every internet apps and software try to know more about their customers to serve them better.But some times it goes bad and create issues in one's privacy.

True caller is in such critical market place where they use phone number of a person that can be viewed by all their users registered with the app.
If you do not want to reveal your name to the true caller users, then follow this procedure.

Unlisting Procedure
  • Go to true This is the official website of true-caller android and itune application.
  • Inside the website go to support page.
  • In support page you can see a set of options in left side.
  • Among the options click Unlist.
  • A new unlist from opens now. Here enter your phone number and verification image .(Captcha)
  • Note that you have to enter the phone number with country code in the format +91985xx69xx9
  • Then press unlist button.

Most probably you will be unlisted. In case if you got some error, immediately go to contact page and fill the page.

If it shows that your name is not found in database, then you are lucky that truecaller is not storing your number.

In subject describe that " I want to remove my name from true caller database as i need some privacy"
Within two to three days, you will get a confirmation message that your number is unlisted.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Facts that we should know about USSD codes for mobile Networks

Everyone might have come across this USSD facility provided by our mobile network companies.

All mobile network providers give this facility to their customers as it provides Instant information like
  • Talk Time Balance, (for Dedicated account, main account, special account etc.)
  • Validity of Rate cutters
  • Find Remaining SMS (If you subscribe for SMS packs)
  • Find Remaining 3G data and 2G data
  • Find mobile number without balance

Apart from these information we can do following actions through USSD codes
  • Recharge for Rate cutters, Top ups
  • Subscribe and Unsubscribe for additional services like dialer tune, astrology, health news etc

What does USSD stands for ?
     The expansion for USSD is Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. WE can directly communicate with the computer database of our mobile network through this USSD facility.

   Usually an USSD code starts with * and ends with #. In between it will contain Few numbers most probably a three digit number.
Example : *122#

Another type of USSD code is a lengthy type code. It is used to subscribe or recharge in a single shot.
Example : *121*44*5#

We should not use such single shot USSD codes unless we know the purpose of this code fully .

Sometimes it will deduce the balance from your talk time account. Instead  first type *121# , then manually choose from the list of options displayed. That would be very safe and secure.

Benefits and tricks of USSD codes :

  • Sometimes we get extra talk time in main account. We may use this to recharge rate cutter through USSD code and save some money.
  • We can get updates about remaining balance of data we have to consume.
  • No need to search for a retail shop or online website for recharging. We can do top up without internet facility, provided you have some balance in main account.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Aircel: Free Zero Wikipedia Internet Browsing trick

Aircel combined with Wikipedia to provide free knowledge to the aircel customers.
It is absolutely free for both Aircel Prepaid and Postpaid customers.


Everyone knows that Wikipedia is the best knowledge database in the world in every aspect.
Some networks spoiling the time of their customers by providing free Facebook and free Twitter browsing.
But Aircel thinks in a positive way and boldly decided to give free Wikipedia offer.

How to use free Wikipedia in AIrcel :

In your default mobile browser , type the following address in address bar.

If you enter the Wikipedia webpage, it will be displayed like “Free Wikipedia from Aircel

It means that you will not be charged anything for browsing in Wikipedia.
But if you go to any external link other than Wikipedia , a warning message will be displayed like “You are entering to external link.
You will be charged as per standard charges” .So you can be careful and use free Wikipedia internet.

It is a biggest advantage of all those who seek knowledge information , as Wikipedia is mostly consists of text and advertisement free, it will be loaded very fast even in 2G network.

Enjoy Aircel – zero Wikipedia offer.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Why internet is not working on my mobile phone

You are in the right place.Here you can analyze all the root causes and try to fix the  internet connectivity issue is your mobile phone (Smart phone or normal phone)

1.    Go to Settings -> Sim Management -> Roaming -> Data Roaming -> enable Allow data roaming

2.    Ensure that flight mode is in off condition. If not go to profiles and change to some other profiles like general or loud mode.

3.    If you are not getting H , E or G symbol , then reboot your phone once and enable data connection

4.    If you are too lazy to reboot the phone, just go to sim management and disable SIM and then enable SIM. It is almost equal to restarting the phone.

5.    Check whether GPRS settings is correct. If not request new settings from your mobile network by sending SMS and save it as default internet settings.

6.    If you want to use wifi mobile hot spot, then ensure both data connection is on and Wifi tethering is enabled

7.    If you want to USB tethering, then you must check whether you enabled both USB tethering option and Data connection on

8.    Go to settings -> mobile network ->Network Mode -> Select Automatic . So that you will receive both 2G and 3G signals whichever available in your location.

9.    If you are using Wifi hotspot from other mobile phone, ensure that data connection is enabled on the donor device and it is receiving data perfectly.

10.    Simply in most of the cases, a restart or reboot of the device will solve the internet connectivity issue.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

To install Kitkat , Lollipop, Marshmallow theme for Android Jelly bean, Kitkat. Lollipop Version

You can make your jellybean version or any older versions of Android mobile phone looks like the new kitkat version and Lollipop version without rooting..
But the core functions will not change and it will remain as jellybean version .

I first explain the concept of Android themes and also the basic concept of  Android launchers.

There is a default application called "launcher". Launcher is also an app similar to all other Android apps. So you can install some other launchers similar to the default launcher.

Just compare this with default internet browser and manually installed Google chrome browser. Both do the same function , but Chrome has more features. Thats it.The same explanation apply with Launcher also.

So, it is clear that you can use some other launchers.

How can we install new launchers?
What are all the launchers available for android in market?

You can get these launchers in Google play store for free. Some of the best launchers are Go Launcher,Next launcher and 3D launcher.

Just install any one of the Launcher in your android phone.

How to install kit-kat or Lollipop theme in Android jelly bean version ?

There are many themes available for Android and it cannot be viewed or experienced by Default launcher application. This is the reason why I have illustrated how to install a different launcher.

  1. Now search for Kitkat or Lollipop or Marshmallow theme in Google play store and install it.
  2. After installation , Open Go Launcher settings . In themes , apply the newly installed Kitkat theme or Lollypop or Marshmallow
  3. Now you phone screen will looks like Kitkat or Lollipop or Marshmallow android smart phone.
  4. You can taste the feel of android Kitkat, Lollypop or Marshmallow version without upgrading from jellybean version.
  5. Apart from these themes, there are thousands of themes available in Google market. Install them and experience a different feel in your smart phone screen.

Friday, February 15, 2013

UC Browser - A best mobile browser suitable for mobile phones of any OS platforms

The mobile world is moving towards android technology and every new application and existing applications focus on android market.

But UC Browser is constantly updating the application in both java and android versions. UC Browser might not create an excellent brand image among the users as like opera browser and i-browser. Still they compete with them by their excellent improvements in their product.through consumer feedback.

As usual I ll try to make this blog effective by giving information to both the users and application developers. The "drawbacks" section is wrote in a perspective of an user experienced this application.

  • In almost every Symbian and java phones , If you need to check an new sms in inbox or to dial a number in the mean time of browsing internet, you have to exit the browser and do so. But UC browser is an exception and you can dial or sms without exiting the application.There is an option Dial or Sms
  • More display setting options are available when compared to other browsers.
  • As said already, frequent updates will be available and you can update the version by just selecting the option Update version
  • Pre-loaded links/Bookmarks for several familiar and useful websites are available in ready-made.
  • Additional options like online storage,Quick news reads, online bookmarks are available.
  • Easy/effective download options available.You can choose custom location for saving your downloads.
  • Quick loading of websites when compared to other browsers.
  • The main drawback is, you cannot view videos directly in this web-browser. It may redirect you to the default browser or simply show "Format not supported".So you cannot browse you-tube videos here.I hope this issue may be solved in future versions.
  • The time taken for loading the application is very slow. This can be solved by clearing the history/cache of the browser every-time.

You can  directly get it from the official website.

Explore it and use if you like it. Happy Surfing.

Note:The review mainly focused on Symbian and java versions , there are other versions (iOS,android,Windows) available in the website you can make use of it.