Friday, November 14, 2014

PUK Code Retrieve | SIM Unlock & Reset PIN number | PUK code

What is PUK code :

PUK is the abbreviation of PIN unlocking key. It is an unique code consists of 6 to 10 digits which will be created for each mobile SIM card by the network provider itself.

Why does my SIM card has PUK code :

As mentioned above, every mobile network provider set a PUK code and PIN code for a SIM card . The only reason for setting these codes is ensuring security to their customers. SIM number is different from PUK number. To know your SIM number.

My PUK code is Locked , How can I unlock PUK and use my SIM :

If you enter your PIN code incorrectly for three times, the PIN code will be locked and your phone will ask PUK code.
At this time you have to be very careful and should contact your network provider through online or other landline, mobile phone to get the PUK code. But if you assume or incorrectly enter your PUK then your SIM will be deactivated and you have to buy new SIM card.

How to get and unlock PUK code for my SIM/Phone :

You can retrieve your PUK code from your networks provider's official account management webpage or from their helpline.

PUK code retrieving Procedure for some of the familiar network Providers are given below. Please follow the procedure for your network to safely unlock your SIM card and reset your PIN number.

India : Aircel* Airtel * BSNLDocomo * Idea * RelianceUninor * MTS

Pakistan : Mobilink *  Telenor *  Ufone *  Zong * Warid

Philippines : Smart Infinity

Belgium : Proximus

Srilanka: Dialog *  Mobitel *  Etisalat *  Hutch *  Airtel

Singapore : SingTel *M1-MobileOne *  StarHub

USA:AT&T*C Spire Wireless | SouthernLINC| Cincinnati Bell Wireless | Alaska Wireless | Verizon 

Cananda : FidoTelus Mobility|  Bell | Vidéotron | Mobilicity | MTS

Cambodia :Smart Axiata , Metfone, Cellcard/Mobitel

Indonesia : Indosat *  XL-Axiata *  Telcomsel

Saudi Arabia- KSA: Batelco *  Zain 

UAE : Etisalat

Ukraine: Kyivstar

Australia: Optus | Telstra

Mexico: Movistar | Telcel | Unefon | Lusacell

Other Mobile Networks :  Digicel