Showing posts with label stc saudi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stc saudi. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

How to get contact details of STC Saudi vice chairman

 You can get the latest board of directors of STC saudi in official website of stc saudi.

Current vice chairman for stc saudi is Mr. Ameen Ben Fahad Ben Abdulaziz Al-Shiddi

A brief biography of stc saudi vice chairman Mr.Ameen as follows.

Mr. Ameen received his Bachelors of Science Degree in management from King Saud University in Riyadh and his Master’s degree in Accounting from Southwest Missouri State University, USA. He also has CPA from USA and SOCPA from KSA

Thc contact details of stc vice chairman is not displayed in public domain. Neither he is not available in any social network like twitter or facebook.

So the onlyway to contact him is through approaching business relationships in a formal approach.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Know STC Saudi Talktime Balance in Roaming

 It is easier now to check the talktime and data balance in your STC Saudi SIM even at roaming, that means when you are outside KSA.

Follow the steps to know the talktime balance in STC saudi while at Roaming.

  1. From Google Playstore or iOS store, download Mystc KSA app
  2. Login using your STC saudi mobile number.
  3. You will recieve an OTP as SMS even if you are at roaming. Ensure Roaming is enabled in your SIM settings.
  4. After logging in, your stc saudi talktime and data balance will be displayed in the homepage