Showing posts with label Viber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Viber. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Viber : Hide last Seen Status | Last seen spy

Viber Hide seen Status
As similar to Whatsapp, Viber also provides to hide the Seen Status.

If you don't want to show seen status to your recipients / friends when you read their messages , then follow the procedure to disable seen Status.

Step 1: Go to More Options menu
Step 2: Now tap on Settings
Step 3: Uncheck "Send seen Status"

Hereafter your girl friend wont ask you that why haven't you reply for my message though you read it at 9.26 PM.

This setting can be changed once in a day. That is 24 hours . If you want to enable it again, then come back after 24 ours and follow the same procedure but tick (check) the Send Seen Status option.