Expand your mobile network to see the Procedure for Postpaid to Prepaid migration and Vice Versa. > Aircel Aircel makes this migration process very simple through online itself. AIrcel Introduced a new option called design your own plan. YOu can go to the aircel official website and select this option and choose any Prepaid or postpaid plans that suitable for you by providing your current mobile number. WIthin one day AIrcel customer care person will call you and confirm the request and proceed to change the Prepaid to postpaid plan and vice versa. > Vodafone In vodafone the process is Very simple. Just download the below form , fill it and submit in the nearest vodafone store. Vodafone Postpaid to Prepaid Migration Form Here.. Vodafone Prepaid to Prepaid Migration Form Here.. > Airtel In Airtel you have to approach the nearest Airtel Retail shop to do the conversion or migration process from Prepaid to postpaid and vice...