Showing posts with label Telcomsel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telcomsel. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Telkomsel : PUK code Retrieval ,Reset PIN number for locked Telkomsel SIM Indonesia

To get the PUK code for your Telkomsel locked SIM card and reset your PIN number to make your mobile phone work again, you can approach telkomsel helpline, telkomsel official twitter helpline.

Remember that PUK code cannot be generated by any downloaded software. So avoid downloading any software for this issue.

>>Through Twitter Official Telkomsel Helpline

This is the easiest way. If you have twitter account then, send a tweet to @Telkomsel requesting PUK code , along with your phone number and SIM number.
The helpline person will respond to you immediately, and provide you the PUK code for your mobile number.

>>Through Helpline

  • If you are calling from  KartoHalo , then Dial 133
  • If you are calling from  KartuAs or simPATI , then Dial 155
  • If you are calling from  other network mobile phone or Landline fixed line phone , then Dial following numbers, corresponding to your location.
    • Nasional : 08071811811
    • Jakarta : (021) 21899811
    • Bandung : (022) 2553811
    • Surabaya : (031) 8403811
    • Medan   : (061) 4578811
    • Makasar : 0411 438150

The customer care person will ask the SIM number printed on your SIM card which contains 8 to 15 numbers.

You have to tell the owner of the SIM card which is registered on the name while buying it.
Some other basic details like  will be asked to Confirm that you are the owner. If you manage to convince the customer care person, then they will provide the PUK code.

If you are using smartphones, try to avoid using PIN code password of SIM card .Better use some App locking application like Applock360 security .You can download them from Google play store for free of cost..

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