Showing posts with label Teamcenter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teamcenter. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

NX UG: To Create / Delete Baseline in Teamcenter NX | Baseline Assembly in teamcenter

What is Baseline in Teamcenter NX:

Baseline is the read only version of a CAD dataset that you are storing in Teamcenter. We can call it as a milestone version of the CAD data.

For example, if you are continuously modifying a CAD data and you have to create check points at certain shapes for future reference , then you can use this Baseline option.

How to create Baseline

  1. Once you create the data in NX software that is linked with teamcenter, save it and close it.
  2. Now go to teamcenter
  3. Right click on the data set you have created and choose Create Baseline.
  4. Now a small Form like window will be opened. 
  5. Choose Working snapshot in Baseline type. Leave the remaining settings as it is.
  6. Press Finish or OK.

Now you can see a baseline version created in below the open revision of the data sets.
You can create as many Baseline versions as you needed.

Note that Baseline versions are only read only , they cannot be modified. But can be used for Approving the CAD , sharing the CAD to other users etc.

To Delete Baseline in Teamcenter NX

  • Baselines created once cannot be deleted by the normal user.
  • You have to need admin rights for deleting baseline revisions. If you really wanted to delete Baselines, then you have to approach the Teamcenter management team to delete them.