Showing posts with label TNEB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TNEB. Show all posts

Friday, July 18, 2014

TNEB : Service charges and Bill payment complaints & Clarifications , TNEB sms alert registration

TNEB (Tamil Nadu Electric Board) is gradually increasing online options to pay our bill online, to make complains online and to clarify basic terms through online portal. This article covers some basic FAQ related to TNEB consumers.

What is region code in tneb?

There are around eight EB regions and each has separate codes.
Region code is the first 2 digits of tneb consumer number.

Some most familiar TNEB region codes are below:

TNEB Region Code

You can find more region codes and tneb consumer number format guide here

How to register tneb online payment? **Popular

Registering for tneb online payment is very easy as creating an email id. You just need to know your service number. For detail steps refer this article that explains How to register for tneb online bill payment ?

How to get sms alert for tneb meter reading? **Popular

  1. Go to
  2. Select your region
  3. Enter your tneb service number
  4. Click Next
  5. Now Enter your mobile number to register it with tneb
  6. If you want to update the existing mobile number, contact your tneb section office

What is cc charges tneb?

CC charges in tneb is nothing but Current Consumption charges. This CC charges may be charged monthly or bi monthly according to the type of your service.
Some time there will be CC arrears charges charged by EB that have to be paid in addition with current month bill. CC arrear charges will be charged if there is any unpaid due amount / units for previous month.

What is bpsc charges tneb?

BPSC (Belated Payment Surcharge) is related to current consumption charges. In tneb, if the bill is paid after due date, then 1.5% BPSC has to paid in addition.

What is consumer number in tneb?

TNEB consumer code is a eight digit number which is necessary to register for online bill payment. You can find the last three digit of consumer number in tneb white card that is inserted at your EB service meter.

 To find region code and first five digit of tneb consumer number ,  refer here.

What is security deposit in tneb?

While getting a new EB connection, you have to pay some amount around 1000 Rs as deposit. This amount will remain under your service number and an interest of 9 % per annum will also credited for that deposit.
So the additional amount is called as additional security deposit fund. You can get refund for the additional security deposit (ASD Notice) or reduce it in the next bill.

What is rule 46 in tneb?

Rule 46 of Indian electricity rules is related to the periodic testing and inspection of the power supply of a consumer.
According to this rule 46 the tneb officer will come and check your EB service once in 5 years. If there is any defect or malpractice in your EB service they will warn you to rectify it.
The charge or fee for this inspection of rule 46 will be collected from consumer in advance. If the consumer failed to pay the fee in seven day notice period , the EB service will be suspended.

What is rc charges in tneb?

RC charges in tneb is Reliability charges that is applicable for HT high tension consumers.

What is accd charges in tneb billing?

ACCD is additional current consumption charges deposit. It will be charged once in two years if you exceed the usage of current above your limit .

Where to complaint about tneb?

Now you can complaint about tneb or for new EB meter or damaged EB meter through online itself. Read the article to know the procedure for online complaint about tneb including Chennai area.

How to pay tneb bill online?

You must register for tneb online to pay tneb online bill payment. Read here.

Can I pay tneb bill payment through axis bank ?

Yes , you can pay through net banking as well as debit card of axis bank or any other bank acoount you have. The only thing is they charge 1 to 2 percent commission fee for some bank.
Some of the banks do not charge and it is free to pay in TNEB portal. For example, if you pay through kvb net banking or Indian bank net banking option, there is no additional commission fee to be paid.

How to change name in tneb?

For changing the name in tneb , you have to go to local EB exchange and fill the form for transfer of service number.

How to transfer name in tneb?

For changing the name in tneb , you have to go to local EB exchange and fill the form for transfer of service number.

TNEB : Procedure for Raising a Complaint for Electric Board hrough Online Portal

Step 1: 
You should have an tneb online account with your service number. If you do not have tneb online account ,please create one. It is very easy to create. You can refer this article. How to create tneb online bill paying account.

Step 2:
Once You created the account login through the tneb online bill paying website. Once you entered into the website with your login , your service number will be displayed and a set of  options will be displayed as follows.

tneb online sample complaint eb service meter

Step 3:
In the options icon, click on general complaints. Now a new window opens with two options namely Payment related complaint and General Complaint.
If you need to complaint about bill payment then select first option otherwise select option 2. The list of complaint categories is available in the previous page. You can refer it to choose the type of complaint you need to make.
TNEB complaint wrong meter reading

Step 4:
Once you select the complaint option and category of complaint , a new page will open .You can type your complaint in the Box in brief banner and Click Submit.

Step 5:
The TNEB electric board person will contact you through phone or through email if it is related to payment query. If the complaint is related to EB service meter then the tneb representative will contact the service number address directly in person.

TNEB: How to Raise a complaint through online website portal

Now Tamil Nadu Electric Board allows the people to raise any complaint related to your EB service meter like

  • Excess EB billing complaint, 
  • EB bill not availbale complaint
  • Complaint for wrong meter reading
  • Complaint for EB meter struck up
  • Complaint related to EB meter forward creeping
  • Complaint for EB meter no display
  • Complaint for EB meter running fast
  • Complaint for EB meter dial jump
  • Complaint for new replacement for damaged EB meter
  • Complaint online for Power Supply cut for total area,one phase,two phase or individual
  • Complaint for Voltage high and Voltage low problem
  • Complaint for EB voltage Flucutations

In addition to these EB related general complaints you can also complaint about the Payment related complaints like
  • EB bill refund issue
  • EB bill double payment issue
  • EB bill receipt not generated
  • TNEB not able to login complaint

Thursday, July 17, 2014

TNEB:Register and Pay bill online with debit card or internet banking

Previous Page -Registraion for TNEB online payment Page 1

3.Completing the registration for TNEB online Bill payment.

TNEB online bil payment bank internet net banking

  1. You have to fill the red highlighted fields compulsorily. First name is your name. It is not necessary that it should be the owner of EB service.
  2. Give a valid email ID where the confirmation link will be sent. 
  3. User name should be unique and simple. Remember your username always.
  4. Password can be any secret word.
  5. In residential Address fill in your address , pin code, State and Country. It is just a formality address.
  6. Type the word in the Captcha image and complete the registration.

Now you can log in in the link that i have provided in previous page and view and pay your TNEB bill through online itself using your debit card or Net banking.

Some Net banking does not charge any additional commission fee for bill payment. So choose that bank for paying tneb bill so that you can save some 1% to 2% of your bill money.

Tags: tneb net banking charges ,tneb net payment

TNEB online bill payment new registration login | Find Service number for TNEB Online Registration, eb charges online

TNEB online Bill payment registration and Login:

This article will simply explains how to register for TNEB online Bill Payment and pay our EB bill through online for one or more service numbers.

The registration process is as simple as creating an email id. But you have to spend some time in finding your full TNEB consumer number.

1.How to start registration in TNEB online website?
Directly go to TNEB online bill payment website. You can click the below website link to proceed the TNEB registration.

After entering in to the website Click New User Option. If you already have a tneb username and forgot your password, then choose forgot username/password option to retrieve user id and password.

TNEB new user online registraion

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

TNEB - Online portal to View ,Pay Electric Bill Easily

I am sure most of us get irritated when standing in a long queue to pay the electric bill.Some of us might be get lazy to go to the electric board .But no more you need to be get irritated.No more you need to drive your vehicle to EB exchange to pay your bill.Online portal is here to make the task very easy with 2 minutes.

You need to register first with your email id and you can add as many service numbers as you wish.

You can start online electric bill payment by visiting the following link. 

The steps are very simple.Better I will explain briefly with some bullet points,

Register the website with your house electric box service number,Follow the below steps to register.

>>How to register TNEB online payment - Step By Step Explanation

After Entering correct consumer no you can pay bill for the added account through bill-desk portal.

If you wish you can add as many service numbers you need.

There is a drawback.Yes you should be careful , through which bank account you are paying.If you choose the bank which is not in the following list you need to pay extra commission up-to 5 to 10 Rs.

So if you pay through above net banking accounts you don't need to pay any additional money.
