Showing posts with label Pay / Book Online. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pay / Book Online. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2016

Dish TV quick recharge 3 steps: | Dish TV instarecharge @ Rechargeitnow

Now Dish TV joined hands with Rechargeitnow to enhance the experience of Dish TV customers to recharge the Dish TV using simple 3 step process

3 Steps to recharge Dish TV online:

1.    Go to DishTV - InstaRecharge page in DishTV website .

2.    Enter your Dish TV VC card number or registered mobile number and Click submit. Now type your mail ID, Amount of recharge to be done and click submit

3.    Choose payment method, Enter the card or internet banking details and complete the payment.

You are done with the process.

To know the minimum recharge amount and current dish tv plan, you can refer in the same webpage before doing recharge
An SMS will be sent to your registered mobile number after successful recharge.

Friday, August 8, 2014

How to register and Transfer / Pay Bills through Airtel Money

 Registering with Airtel Money:

  • Register for Airtel money with your details and by creating your 4 digit mPIN

Load cash in my Airtel Money

  • You can load money in Airtel with your debit card, Net banking or Credit card option.

Transfer Money from Airtel Money : 

  • After 24 hours of loading cash , you can transfer it .
  • You can pay bills, recharge DTH like sun direct immediately after loading cash.

Drawbacks and Cons of Airtel Money:

  • Commission fee is very high for each transaction. Customers may ask question that why should I use your Airtel money ,when I can able to do these activities without any commission.
  • If your M-pin is known to your friend or someone, then your cash is not safe.
Advantages and Pros of Airtel Money:
  • Can do transfers and recharges on the go even on Holidays .
  • One can feel secure as money is stored in digital cash.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Vodafone m-pesa : Vs Airtel Money | Failure Strategies

Followed by Airtel Money, Now Vodafone also introduced M-pesa.
With no doubt, this scheme is also a flop idea.

There are two main reasons why this scheme is a flop.
1.       For every transactions, there are commission fees from 1 to 80 rupee. Sure, no one will like to loose money as commission.
2.       People like to keep money in bank, pocket and debit card. Not in Vodafone’s or Airtel pocket.

Anyway, you can do the following things in Vodafone m-pesa applied some commission charges for each transaction.
  1. You can Send money to any bank account and  mobile number from your mobile phone itself through USSD code facility.
  2. You can Recharge your Vodafone Prepaid.
  3. You can Recharge DTH TV cards like dish TV ,sun direct, Big TV etc from Vodafone m-pesa itself.
  4. You can withdraw cash from your wallet anytime.
  5. You can pay bill for your Vodafone Post-paid bill directly from your phone.

All these things can be done by typing the code *400#. You have to first register with m-pesa in Vodafone’s website.

Choice is yours. You should analyze and use the service.

m pesa vs aitel money
Sponsored Links: 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Vodafone Post Paid quick bill pay 3 steps: | Vodafone Quick Bill Pay @ Billdesk

Now Vodafone joined hands with bill desk to enhance the experience of postpaid customers while bill payment.

3 Steps to Pay Vodafone Postpaid Bill Quick and Easily:

1.    Go to Vodafone- Bill desk Payment website .

2.    Enter your Vodafone Postpaid mobile number, type your mail ID, Amount of bill to be paid and click submit

3.    Choose payment method, Pay your bill, get online confirmation message and sms confirmation message.

You are done with the process.

To know how much bill you want to pay, just SMS BILL to 111
Dial *111# from your postpaid Vodafone number.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Pay LIC premium Policies Online | To Take Printout of Previous LIC Premium Receipts

Now we can Pay your LIC policies , renew the premium and take printout of LIC premium receipt through online itself.
This article will briefly describes how to utilize the online portal of LIC website to pay, view and take print out of LIC premium.

>Step 1: How to register with LIC online website Portal:
Go to the LIC website official link and register with a new user name .

Registering with LIC is as simple as creating an email id. You have to give an unique username and few primary information.
>Step 2:Logging in inside the LIC online payment website:
After creating the username , enter with the same in to the online payment portal.
The login screen will look like the following picture.
LIC policy online login website screen
>Step 3:Add your current LIC policy premium to online LIC website Portal:

Once you logged in to the portal, you can simply add your current policies and your family members policy in the add enrolled policies option.

>Step 4:Viewing the Previous Year LIC reciepts and Paying Premium renewal Online
If the due date is opened , you can pay your premium and renew your LIC policies through this online account itself. It is simple as booking a bus ticket or making a mobile top up through online websites.
LIC policy type pay renewal premium and pay additional top up premium

To Take Print out for LIC premium receipts online (E-receipts)
For taking print outs for e-receipts go to the option Premium Paid statement and select the desired policy number you want to get print out.

LIC taking print out for Previous paid premium statement
Sponsored Links :

Applicable Queries:
 lic premium receipt online, lic login, lic online premium statement, lic online statement, lic premium paid statement online, lic online registration, lic premium receipt download, lic policy renewal 

Friday, July 18, 2014

TNEB : Service charges and Bill payment complaints & Clarifications , TNEB sms alert registration

TNEB (Tamil Nadu Electric Board) is gradually increasing online options to pay our bill online, to make complains online and to clarify basic terms through online portal. This article covers some basic FAQ related to TNEB consumers.

What is region code in tneb?

There are around eight EB regions and each has separate codes.
Region code is the first 2 digits of tneb consumer number.

Some most familiar TNEB region codes are below:

TNEB Region Code

You can find more region codes and tneb consumer number format guide here

How to register tneb online payment? **Popular

Registering for tneb online payment is very easy as creating an email id. You just need to know your service number. For detail steps refer this article that explains How to register for tneb online bill payment ?

How to get sms alert for tneb meter reading? **Popular

  1. Go to
  2. Select your region
  3. Enter your tneb service number
  4. Click Next
  5. Now Enter your mobile number to register it with tneb
  6. If you want to update the existing mobile number, contact your tneb section office

What is cc charges tneb?

CC charges in tneb is nothing but Current Consumption charges. This CC charges may be charged monthly or bi monthly according to the type of your service.
Some time there will be CC arrears charges charged by EB that have to be paid in addition with current month bill. CC arrear charges will be charged if there is any unpaid due amount / units for previous month.

What is bpsc charges tneb?

BPSC (Belated Payment Surcharge) is related to current consumption charges. In tneb, if the bill is paid after due date, then 1.5% BPSC has to paid in addition.

What is consumer number in tneb?

TNEB consumer code is a eight digit number which is necessary to register for online bill payment. You can find the last three digit of consumer number in tneb white card that is inserted at your EB service meter.

 To find region code and first five digit of tneb consumer number ,  refer here.

What is security deposit in tneb?

While getting a new EB connection, you have to pay some amount around 1000 Rs as deposit. This amount will remain under your service number and an interest of 9 % per annum will also credited for that deposit.
So the additional amount is called as additional security deposit fund. You can get refund for the additional security deposit (ASD Notice) or reduce it in the next bill.

What is rule 46 in tneb?

Rule 46 of Indian electricity rules is related to the periodic testing and inspection of the power supply of a consumer.
According to this rule 46 the tneb officer will come and check your EB service once in 5 years. If there is any defect or malpractice in your EB service they will warn you to rectify it.
The charge or fee for this inspection of rule 46 will be collected from consumer in advance. If the consumer failed to pay the fee in seven day notice period , the EB service will be suspended.

What is rc charges in tneb?

RC charges in tneb is Reliability charges that is applicable for HT high tension consumers.

What is accd charges in tneb billing?

ACCD is additional current consumption charges deposit. It will be charged once in two years if you exceed the usage of current above your limit .

Where to complaint about tneb?

Now you can complaint about tneb or for new EB meter or damaged EB meter through online itself. Read the article to know the procedure for online complaint about tneb including Chennai area.

How to pay tneb bill online?

You must register for tneb online to pay tneb online bill payment. Read here.

Can I pay tneb bill payment through axis bank ?

Yes , you can pay through net banking as well as debit card of axis bank or any other bank acoount you have. The only thing is they charge 1 to 2 percent commission fee for some bank.
Some of the banks do not charge and it is free to pay in TNEB portal. For example, if you pay through kvb net banking or Indian bank net banking option, there is no additional commission fee to be paid.

How to change name in tneb?

For changing the name in tneb , you have to go to local EB exchange and fill the form for transfer of service number.

How to transfer name in tneb?

For changing the name in tneb , you have to go to local EB exchange and fill the form for transfer of service number.

TNEB : Procedure for Raising a Complaint for Electric Board hrough Online Portal

Step 1: 
You should have an tneb online account with your service number. If you do not have tneb online account ,please create one. It is very easy to create. You can refer this article. How to create tneb online bill paying account.

Step 2:
Once You created the account login through the tneb online bill paying website. Once you entered into the website with your login , your service number will be displayed and a set of  options will be displayed as follows.

tneb online sample complaint eb service meter

Step 3:
In the options icon, click on general complaints. Now a new window opens with two options namely Payment related complaint and General Complaint.
If you need to complaint about bill payment then select first option otherwise select option 2. The list of complaint categories is available in the previous page. You can refer it to choose the type of complaint you need to make.
TNEB complaint wrong meter reading

Step 4:
Once you select the complaint option and category of complaint , a new page will open .You can type your complaint in the Box in brief banner and Click Submit.

Step 5:
The TNEB electric board person will contact you through phone or through email if it is related to payment query. If the complaint is related to EB service meter then the tneb representative will contact the service number address directly in person.

TNEB: How to Raise a complaint through online website portal

Now Tamil Nadu Electric Board allows the people to raise any complaint related to your EB service meter like

  • Excess EB billing complaint, 
  • EB bill not availbale complaint
  • Complaint for wrong meter reading
  • Complaint for EB meter struck up
  • Complaint related to EB meter forward creeping
  • Complaint for EB meter no display
  • Complaint for EB meter running fast
  • Complaint for EB meter dial jump
  • Complaint for new replacement for damaged EB meter
  • Complaint online for Power Supply cut for total area,one phase,two phase or individual
  • Complaint for Voltage high and Voltage low problem
  • Complaint for EB voltage Flucutations

In addition to these EB related general complaints you can also complaint about the Payment related complaints like
  • EB bill refund issue
  • EB bill double payment issue
  • EB bill receipt not generated
  • TNEB not able to login complaint

Thursday, July 17, 2014

TNEB:Register and Pay bill online with debit card or internet banking

Previous Page -Registraion for TNEB online payment Page 1

3.Completing the registration for TNEB online Bill payment.

TNEB online bil payment bank internet net banking

  1. You have to fill the red highlighted fields compulsorily. First name is your name. It is not necessary that it should be the owner of EB service.
  2. Give a valid email ID where the confirmation link will be sent. 
  3. User name should be unique and simple. Remember your username always.
  4. Password can be any secret word.
  5. In residential Address fill in your address , pin code, State and Country. It is just a formality address.
  6. Type the word in the Captcha image and complete the registration.

Now you can log in in the link that i have provided in previous page and view and pay your TNEB bill through online itself using your debit card or Net banking.

Some Net banking does not charge any additional commission fee for bill payment. So choose that bank for paying tneb bill so that you can save some 1% to 2% of your bill money.

Tags: tneb net banking charges ,tneb net payment

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Transaction failed Error. How to get refund of Money Debited

This is an awareness article  applicable for all networks which are all providing Online recharging options in their website or through some other websites like paytm , freecharge etc.

It is applicable for telecom networks including Airtel,Aircel,Vodafone,Docomo,Ideas Cellular,Reliance GSM,Uninor and BSNL.

Causes For recharge Failure:

1.Your internet connection might have disconnected in middle of transaction
2.You might have pressed refresh or back button in the brower while transaction is in progress
3.The recharge denomination might not be available in your network provider list.

What should I do to get money back for failed recharge:

Step 1: Once you came to know that your recharge is not success , then immediately check whether money is debited from your bank account or not.

Step 2: If you recieve debit message even after the failed mobile recharge, then immediately check the transactions through your net banking option. There is no problem if the amount credited immediately.

Step 3: Immediately call to your bank representative and record the complaint. They will look into the transaction and put back your money within 7 days.


  • Do not call to your mobile network customer care. They wont refund your money.That is not the right procedure.
  • Do not call or email to Billdesk or Citibank gateway as it will take too much time to respond.
  • Do not leave it carelessly by thinking that they will credit money automatically. Most of the times they wont return your money unless you inform to them.

Tags: refund for failed mobile recharge,amount not returned for recharge failed transaction,complaint for failed online recharge

Monday, April 15, 2013

TNSTC - Government Online Bus ticket Booking - Limitations and Complaints

I had already written a positive review about tnstc online bus ticket booking a few months ago. Now i wish to share my bad experience that happened due to this online ticket booking.

Actually this is not bad experience for me but a passenger traveled along with me in the same bus.

Before sharing this i tell one thing.Presently online booking is suitable for ultra deluxe buses and think twice and read this once before you book the ticket online for an ordinary bus.

I had written in my previous article that many of the conductors are not aware of the tnstc online bus ticket booking.
But now most of them are aware about this facility.But problem exists still. Ok , now let me share the experience.

It was a nighttime of Sunday at salem bus stand. I had booked already through online in tnstc, for an ordinary bus ticket. The bus was supposed to leave the bus stand at 11.10 am. So i reached bus stand half an hour before at 10.30 pm.
The bus that I had booked belongs to vilupuram corporation. So straightly i went to "Information center" that belongs to vilupuram. A respectful lady officer was sitting there. I shown her the print out of the ticket. She checked with some list that she had with her and noted the bus number in my print out and she said,"the bus will be standing at opposite to this place. Please search it and get it" . I left there saying "thanks madam".

Luckily i found the bus at 10.45 pm that was standing in the place opposite to the information center.
No one was there in the bus except conductor and driver. I waited for the driver to get in. When the driver got in and started the bus , i hurried near the bus and shown my ticket to the conductor. He looked at it and said,"Get in and search for your seat number and get seated".

I had the screenshot of seating arrangement that was shown in online portal. When i searched for my seat number, i was little shocked. Because i had booked a seat in two seater side. But in the bus, they put a different seating orders and now my seat is in three seaters side.But i didn't want to argue , so i had sit in the three seater itself.

Now people started to come one by one. All of their seating arrangements are different. But they didn't care and sit in the place where conductor shown. One couple came . The guy shown his ticket and conductor showed  three seater seats. The guy politely said that , "sir, i booked a two seat. But now you are asking to sit in a three seater." Immediately the conductor got emotioned and shouted, "You cannot sit as you booked in internet. See, what number they put in bus. you can sit under this seat arrangements only".

Still the guy controlled his emotions and had a smile at his face and said, " I needed a two seater. so i selected a two seat." The conductor interrupted and shouted again."If you speak rules like this , then you need to sit in two different rows as the number was placed, Still you need to argue, better go and tell the management people "

The guy said,"we will sit in three seater itself".

This was the instance happened. Now i think it is better to discuss how can we solve this problem.

Tnstc does not allows to show mobile ticket. Print out tickets only allowed as they are saying that conductors need to submit proof for the tickets. So many complaints are raised frequently for tnstc online bus ticket booking .

There are many ways.

1.You can argue every-time with the conductor to change this arrangements similar to the internet    arrangement.   At one day, he will erase the wrong arrangement and reorder it correctly. But this idea will lead to bad travel experience because of arguing.
2.Straightly go to the information center and complaint that seating orders are different. So please correct the orders as shown in internet. But as this is a government program, they wont take any action and leave it carelessly.
3.File a case , that government is cheating or not working properly that leads me to a serious depression. So please take action on the officers responsible to this problem.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

TNEB - Online portal to View ,Pay Electric Bill Easily

I am sure most of us get irritated when standing in a long queue to pay the electric bill.Some of us might be get lazy to go to the electric board .But no more you need to be get irritated.No more you need to drive your vehicle to EB exchange to pay your bill.Online portal is here to make the task very easy with 2 minutes.

You need to register first with your email id and you can add as many service numbers as you wish.

You can start online electric bill payment by visiting the following link. 

The steps are very simple.Better I will explain briefly with some bullet points,

Register the website with your house electric box service number,Follow the below steps to register.

>>How to register TNEB online payment - Step By Step Explanation

After Entering correct consumer no you can pay bill for the added account through bill-desk portal.

If you wish you can add as many service numbers you need.

There is a drawback.Yes you should be careful , through which bank account you are paying.If you choose the bank which is not in the following list you need to pay extra commission up-to 5 to 10 Rs.

So if you pay through above net banking accounts you don't need to pay any additional money.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013 -Mobile Top up | Quick Pay Landline Bills

  1. Visit
  2. After entering the homepage you can choose whether you want to pay land line bill or postpaid bill or prepaid top up or recharge. If you are not interested in registering in the website, there is an option for quick pay where you do not need registration and you can directly pay the bill.But my suggestion is to register with the website and use your user-id and password to pay any bills. It will be very helpful when some transaction is failed or to view the old transactions.
  3. For land line bills , you can get a soft copy bill as receipt and 1% discount will be provided on the next bill if you paid the bill online. For prepaid top-ups you can enter the denomination in multiples on 10 and get the talk time based on the tariff  Here the drawback is , they do not provide full talk-time offers online.
  4. Beyond doing top-up you can also recharge for data plans,voice plans,SMS plans etc.
  5. For paying money you will be redirected to bill-desk and it is your wish to choose net banking or debit/credit cards to pay the bill.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

SETC TNSTC.IN - Online bus ticket booking website of TamilNadu Government

Almost everybody knows that website is an absolute replica of Karnataka government bus ticket booking website But the thing to notice is ksrtc website is upgraded with so many new features and have an excellent maintenance , but tnstc website has so many issues .

I am writing this review , keeping in mind that this article should be useful to both the e-ticket booking users and tnstc government officials who may view it by chance.

There is no doubt that introduction of this website is a boon for the Tamil Nadu passengers.The system has more number of drawbacks than its advantages.

Advantages :

1.Simple signup process and you can sign up with in a minute and log in tnstc anytime using that id you can simply book SETC online.

2.Both mobile and desktop version are available , so you can access anywhere through your mobile phones also.

3.All the necessary features like booking history, m-ticket sms, bill desk paying are available. Note that conductors will not accept m-ticket.

4.You can book the tickets 60 days before the journey.This option will not be available in private bus ticket booking. Usually they will allow you to book before 14 days as maximum.

5.For Chennai travelers from their native towns, tnstc is a boon . Because during return journey in SETC , you can use this option to avoid rush at reservation ticket counters and no need of filling any SETC reservation form


1.If you book the ticket through mobile website, be aware that not to give print out through mobile website. Because there is a bug that route no of the bus will not be available in the print and you will be suffered when conductor asks you the trip code.

2.As like we were experiencing the very slow service in irctc website during peak hours some days back, tnstc will be also very slow during high traffic at festival seasons like Pongal and Diwali ticket booking date.

3.Commission for the ticket booking is too much. Rs 15 INR as reservation fee and Rs 10 INR will be charged as e-ticket fee. Totally 25 rupees will be charged as commission fee.

4.Cancellation fee is also very high.

5.Here is the important drawback. For ordinary government buses, the seat number provided in the website will not be the same as in the bus. So don't hope that you will get window seat or 2 seater as you booked in the website. I advice to take a screen shot of the seating arrangement and show it at the time of journey so you may get the correct seat that you have  booked,if  the conductor is  a friendly person.

SETC TNSTC customer care complaint number:

For payment related queries like refund amount for failed transaction , note your transaction number and register a complaint by calling the phone number 044 30986319

Bill desk helpdesk or Bank help desk person will attend the call and solve your problem.

For general complaint, call the toll free number 1800 419 4287
Computer voice will redirect you to the corresponding person based on your complaint category.

If you want to send complaint through email , then use the following mail ids.
For tnstc refund, bank and billdesk related complaints -
For Other complaints :

Ways to Improve:

I am writing this to the tnstc website managers, so that it will be helpful to make the process improved.

1.Please make a standard seating arrangement number in all the buses so that we can avoid seating arrangement confusion.

2.Please maintain an effective suggestion/feedback action team and try to keep on improving the website. Within 2 to 3 months we may get an excellent service if we take action on passengers suggestion.

3.Please visit ksrtc website and other online bus ticket  booking website and implement the additional features in this website. Please be noticed that website is so much advanced when compared to

4.Please conduct some awareness program to conductors about online booking, because many of the conductors having so many doubts in online booking program.Allow SMS ticket as proof, so that we can save some paper.

5.Please introduce online booking to medium towns also. In some towns , SETC online booking is available but not for ordinary bus.