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Wednesday, August 3, 2016
NX : Complete list of Applications and Features available in NX
NX is a huge bundle of applications which includes variety of futures and modules in it that ranges from CAD modeing , Simulation, Drawing ...
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
NX: To apply thickness for a thinshell mesh in NX Advanced simulation FEA
To apply thickness for FEA thinshell mesh in NX Ensure that .fem file is made as work part or displayed part.If not, in simulation navi...
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
NX: To make a component transparent in NX | Transparency in NX
Transparency in NX: If you want to show the components assembled inside another component, you can apply transparency to the outer compon...
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
FAQ and Clarifications about NX modeling, Simulation, Drafting
How to import / open dat file in NX ? .dat file usually contains FE models with mesh, load conditions and results. To import dat fi...
Monday, August 24, 2015
HD3D tools in NX | NX tutorial - HD3D for synchronous modeling
HD3D in NX HD3D is a new feature introduced in NX Siemens , that allows you to quickly find an information about the product you design...
Thursday, May 28, 2015
NX Tutorial: To import, export Step , IGES files in NX Unigraphics → .igs .stp extension files Import
IGES and STEP are universal file formats for 3D CAD components/assemblies. You can exchange (Export/Import) 3D CAD from one Design softwa...
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
NX: Insert and Edit Crosshatch symbol NX 7.5 , NX 8.0, NX 9.0
Crosshatching command is used to create patterns of lines within specified boundary in NX in order to differentiate different regions dis...
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Create Drawing Template in NX | Editing a drawing Template in NX Drafting
Create Drawing Template in UG NX If your company has a standard template and already created it, then it should be present in the menu b...
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