Showing posts with label Nx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nx. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

NX : Complete list of Applications and Features available in NX

NX is a huge bundle of applications which includes variety of futures and modules in it that ranges from CAD modeing , Simulation, Drawing etc.

An user must own a license for a specific feature to access it.

Complete List of features & Applications available in NX

  1. Adv_sheet_metal_dsgn
  2. C_p_p_author
  3. Die_engineering
  4. Dotnet_author
  5. Erp_integration
  6. Flat_patterns
  7. Gateway_id
  8. Ideas_integration
  9. Java_author
  10. Mechanisms
  11. Motion_dyn_recurdyn
  12. Motion_export_adm
  13. Motion_kin_recurdyn
  14. Nx_3d_path_planning
  15. Nx_3d_swept_volume
  16. Nx_abaqus_export
  17. Nx_abaqus_import
  18. Nx_ftk
  19. Nx_integration
  20. Nx_lam_comp_adv
  21. Nx_lam_composites
  22. Nx_nas_bn_basic_dsk
  23. Nx_nas_nonlin_dsk
  24. Nx_response_anlys
  25. Nx_sheet_metal
  26. Pts_author
  27. Pts_consumer
  28. Routing_advanced

  29. Routing_base
  30. Routing_cabling
  31. Routing_conduit
  32. Routing_electrical
  33. Routing_harness
  34. Routing_hvac
  35. Routing_mechanical
  36. Routing_pid
  37. Routing_pipetube
  38. Routing_piping
  39. Routing_platform
  40. Routing_raceway
  41. Routing_steelwork
  42. Routing_tubing
  43. Routing_wiring
  44. Sheet_metal
  45. Sheet_metal_design
  46. Teamcenter_admin
  47. Teamcenter_designer
  48. Ufunc_development
  49. Visview_base
  50. Server_id
  51. 3d_to_2d_flatten
  52. Adv_assemblies
  53. Ansys_meshers
  54. Assemblies
  55. Cam_base
  56. Cavity_milling
  57. Design_studio
  58. Drafting
  59. Dxf_to_ug
  60. Dxfdwg
  61. Features_modelin
  62. Free_form_modeli
  63. Gateway
  64. Geometric_tol
  65. Gfem_ansys
  66. Gfem_nastran
  67. Gmc
  68. Graphical_tool_p
  69. Grip_execute
  70. Id_ext_fem_beam
  71. Iges

  72. Nc_external_prog
  73. Nc_wizard_builde
  74. Nx_drafting_plus
  75. Nx_freeform_1
  76. Nx_freeform_2
  77. Nx_ftk
  78. Nx_general_packa
  79. Nx_jacktkapi
  80. Nx_masterfem
  81. Nx_material_syst
  82. Nx_nastran_expor
  83. Nx_nastran_impor
  84. Nx_posture
  85. Nx_sheet_metal
  86. Nx_spsd_stress
  87. Nx_spsd_vibratio
  88. Pcf_package_file
  89. Planar_milling
  90. Probe
  91. Pstudio_auth
  92. Pstudio_cons
  93. Pv_ugdatagenerat
  94. Routing_advanced
  95. Routing_base
  96. Routing_conduit
  97. Routing_electric
  98. Routing_harness
  99. Routing_mechanic
  100. Routing_pipetube
  101. Routing_piping
  102. Routing_raceway
  103. Routing_steelwor
  104. Routing_tubing
  105. Routing_wiring
  106. Shop_doc
  107. Sla_3d_systems
  108. Solid_modeling
  109. Step_ap203
  110. Step_ap214
  111. Studio_analyze
  112. Studio_free_form
  113. Studio_render
  114. Studio_visualize
  115. Tol_cavity_milli
  116. Ug_body_design
  117. Ug_checkmate
  118. Ug_holemaking
  119. Ug_human
  120. Ug_kf_checker
  121. Ug_kf_execute
  122. Ug_library_acces
  123. Ug_nas_bn
  124. Ug_nas_des
  125. Ug_opt_wizard
  126. Ug_post_exe
  127. Ug_post_kinemati
  128. Ug_post_mill
  129. Ug_prod_des_advi
  130. Ug_scenario
  131. Ug_smart_models
  132. Ug_struct_pe_sol
  133. Ug_to_dxf
  134. Ug_to_vericut
  135. Ug_turning
  136. Ug_visualize
  137. Ug_web_express
  138. Ugopen_menuscrip
  139. Ugweld

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

NX: To apply thickness for a thinshell mesh in NX Advanced simulation FEA

To apply thickness for FEA thinshell mesh in NX

  1. Ensure that .fem file is made as work part or displayed part.If not, in simulation navigator right click on the .fem file and make as workpart
  2. Now Expand 2D collectors and right click on the Thinshell mesh collector that you need to apply thickness
  3. Select Edit. Now Mesh collector window opens
  4. Near the shell Property drop down list, Edit option will be available. (Spanner icon) Click on it.
  5. Now in the physical property table, look for Default thickness parameter. Enter the thickness value in Thickness box
  6. Click OK to save physical property table
  7. Click OK to save Mesh collector table. Now the thickness will be assigned to the specific 2D mesh collector.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

NX: To make a component transparent in NX | Transparency in NX

Transparency in NX:

If you want to show the components assembled inside another component, you can apply transparency to the outer component that covers the other components.
For example, if you want to show the components under the hood of a car, you could just make the hood assembly transparent so that the components under the hood will be visible.

To make a component transparent in NX:

  1. Ensure that you are in modeling application
  2. Select the component or body that you need to make transparent
  3. Now Go to Menu→Edit→Object Display
  4. A new window named Edit object Display will open
  5. Under Shaded Display section, you can find a slider bar with name Translucency
  6. Increase the slider up-to 35 to 40 percent and Click Apply
  7. Now the selected component display will become transparent.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

FAQ and Clarifications about NX modeling, Simulation, Drafting

How to import / open dat file in NX ?

.dat file usually contains FE models with mesh, load conditions and results.
To import dat file in NX, Go to File → Import → Simulation → Choose NX Nastran as solver → Browse the dat file → Select open

How to remove association between two views in NX drafting? 

  1. If you try to move a view in NX drafting, then the other views will also move sometime, because of auto association settings.
  2. To remove this association, right click the on the View Boundary
  3. Select View Alignment option
  4. Now In the View Alignment window, Expand List tab
  5. The alignments that are stored will be displayed in the list.
  6. Select all the alignments and delete them. (Using cross symbol nearby)
  7. In addition, uncheck Associative alignment option in Alignment tab.
  8. Now Press OK to save the settings.
  9. Now, you can move the view to any position without affecting other views. 

How to rename explosion in NX ?

Upto NX 9.0 , there is no option to rename explosion. So, once if you create an explosion it cannot be renamed.
The only alternate option is to copy the existing one with desired name, and deleting the old explosion.

How to Increase width of a line in NX

  1. Go to Menu → Preference → Visualization  → Select Line tab → Enable Show width
  2. Now right click the desired line and select edit display
  3. Increase the width from thin to medium or thick or custom
  4. Select OK

How to load fem file - when right click → Load option not working

  1. Go to Menu - Preference - Assembly load options - Click Show session folders
  2. Clik the folder where SIM, FEA file is stored in your PC
  3. Click OK
  4. Now, right click and load the fem files. It should load without error.

How to create a model View in NX ?

In the side tool bar, select part navigator. Now you can see a set of default model views like Front, top, ISO etc.
To create a new view with desired orientation, right click on the model view and select Add View
You can edit the orientation of model view whenever you need, but do not forget to save the latest orientation.

Monday, August 24, 2015

HD3D tools in NX | NX tutorial - HD3D for synchronous modeling

HD3D in NX

HD3D is a new feature introduced in NX Siemens , that allows you to quickly find an information about the product you design and helps you to diagnose the error or warning that occurs while designing the component by providing sufficient information about the error and warnings.
These information will appear like annotation tags , where the error occurs exactly in the component.

How to Access HD3D tools in NX ?

HD3D tools in NX is avaialbel in resource bar. We can also access this tools using command finder option.

What are all the HD3D tools available in NX?

Visual Reporting tool 

Visual Reporting tool helps you to visulaize information directly on the components / objects inside the graphics window itself.

Check Mate tool

Check mate tool allows you to validate product information.

Product template studio tool

Information related to execution of PTS template can be accessed using Product template studio tool

Requirements validation tool

Manages requirement of a product design.

Issue management tool

Allows you related to issue management.

You can use the HD3D tools to interact visually with information presented in the graphics window that may previously have been presented in dialog box lists and information reports

Thursday, May 28, 2015

NX Tutorial: To import, export Step , IGES files in NX Unigraphics → .igs .stp extension files Import

IGES and STEP are universal file formats for 3D CAD components/assemblies.
You can exchange (Export/Import) 3D CAD from one Design software to other using these file formats.
Usually IGES files would have extensions .igs or .iges
And STEP files would have extension .stp or .step

To import or Export IGES,STEP file in NX Unigraphics:
There are two ways to import  .igs file or .stp file in UG NX.

Method 1 (Import only):

  1. Launch Unigraphics NX software from start menu
  2. In NX menu bar, go to File → Open
  3. Now in the form, choose file type as *.igs or *.stp depends on iges or step file
  4. Choose the iges file and select OK. Now your IGES / STEP file is opened.

Method 2 (Import/Export):
  1. Launch Siemens NX (Unigraphics)
  2. Go to File → New and create a component
  3. Ensure that you are in Modeling application
  4. Now Go to File → Import / Export → IGES or STEP 214
  5. Choose the IGES or STEP file you need to import
  6. Now your file will be imported in the new part file.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

NX: Insert and Edit Crosshatch symbol NX 7.5 , NX 8.0, NX 9.0

Crosshatching command is used to create patterns of lines within specified boundary in NX in order to differentiate different regions displayed in drawing view for clear illustration.

How to Crosshatch in NX :

  1. Ensure that you are in Drafting application. Now, Go to Insert - Annotation and Select Crosshatch
  2. If you repeatedly using this function, then you can keep it in the main toolbar for ease of use.
  3. Now , a Crosshatch window will appear which shows a set of required parameters to complete the cross hatch.
  4. You can either use point in Region or Boundary curves as Selection mode. Boundary curve method is the most preferred one as it has more control over the selection of desired region.
  5. After selecting the boundary curves, select pattern for crosshatching , distance , angle, color and width
  6. After completing all the necessary parameters , press Apply or OK to complete the cross hatch.
To delete cross hatch in NX 7.5 , NX 8, NX 9 and NX 10 etc, just select the cross hatch using MB1, and press delete key in keyboard.

You can edit the crosshatch in order to change any settings you previously done.

You may receive Alert messages or error messages sometimes like, No closed loop of curves was found. Close Open loops or select inside a loop of edges or curves.

 In such cases you have to re-select the boundary curves to complete the crosshatch.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Create Drawing Template in NX | Editing a drawing Template in NX Drafting

Create Drawing Template in UG NX

If your company has a standard template and already created it, then it should be present in the menu bar under the category like Special tools or in the name of your company itself.
If it is not customized, the we have to create our own template using the following procedure.

Method 1 : Using Symbol Editor
  1. Open a new drawing sheet with specific sheet size (A4, A3, A2, A1, A0) as per your need
  2. Manually Draw the borders, name plate, part list table using sketch tools . Prefer to draw them in the Main view.
  3. Include the images like company logo, projection type etc using insert picture command.
  4. Now Go to Insert-Symbol-Define custom symbol option and create a symbol with all these borders and logos and name it as you wish like Drawing Template A2
  5. Remember where you have storing this symbol in the Custom symbol library.
  6. Hereafter whenever you need the template , just Insert - Symbol - Custom Symbol and select the drawing template symbol you have already created and place it in the drawing sheet.
  7. There is one factor which we can call it as drawback as well as advantage.
  8. You can smash the symbol at anytime by Right click - Smash Symbol and Edit it as you need
  9. You cannot input some parameters like part list without smashing .

Method 2 : Editing the NX template / Modifying the template list file in system files
  1. For this method , you need to have modification rights for the folder UGII/templates in C Drive.  Most probably you might not have write access to these folders and files.
  2. If you have write access, then you can try his method.
  3. Open a part file, create a template as you did in the method 1
  4. Export it as a jpeg image in C drive location C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 7.5\UGII\templates
  5. Now go to C:\Program Files\UGS\NX 7.5\UGII\templates and look for ugdraftingtemplate.pax or ugsheettemplate.pax file .
  6. Open the file with notepad and if you closely read the file, you can see that one or two palette entries are already created by default.
  7. Now you have to create a new palette id copying the safe format and replace the image location to your new one.
  8. Hereafter whenever you create a new drawing file, you will see your new A2,A3 or whatever template you have created in the default list.