Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2016

Clean India : Rs 8000 Subsidy by government for construction of new toilets

Chennai corporation has announced a subsidy of Rs 8000 for those who wish to construct toilets in the houses. As a part of clean India campaign, in assistance with central and state government, the corporation is providing this subsidy.

The willing individuals can contact A.E.E. SWM (H/Q) - 9445910951

Once the respected officer inquired and approved the proposal, the money will be directly deposited in the individuals bank account.

Circular by Chennai corporation as published in its official forum:

Chennai corporation circular subsidy for toilet construction

Sponsored Links:

Monday, September 14, 2015

EZTV : Unofficial Retirement due to cloning of its Own domain | EZTV vs ETTV

After several piracy issues and cloning of its own domain , the original EZTV domain was unofficially retired during early 2014. The new clones of eztv domain is run by unknown volunteers.

EZTV Hostile takeover

Since October 2007, EZTV was using the domain name. But under pressure from copyright holders, The Italian .it registry lodged a complaint over some paperwork.Facing a possible confiscation of the domain name, they saw no other option than to switch to a new domain. The domain name was suspended, and a couple of months later was taken over by scammers attempting to claim EZTV as their own. But unlike the real EZTV this .it domain does open windows with advertisements.
As of 25 April 2015, the and the the "semi" accepted proxy are under control of "EZCLOUD LIMITED".[11] Simultaneously with the takeover of the domain and the proxy, the scam group "EZCLOUD LIMITED" started attempts to take over the online identities by impersonating them on their own clone of the original websites, further assimilating the brand name and disrupting the workings and communication of the original group and attempting to gain revenue via an unofficial EZTV Bitcoin and adverts on these hijacked sites. "EZCLOUD LIMITED" gained access to the domain via the registrar and reset Novaking's information allowing them access to the domain accounts for EZTV, using this access they hijacked the EZTV domains and locked Novaking out.All the hijacked domains now redirect to
The original EZTV website was officially retired around on 29 April 2015 with the topic of the IRC channel where EZTV was discussed saying: "DO NOT USE THE SITES! They are not ours anymore. Thanks for all the fish. As of 5 May 2015Rarbg, BT-Chat. and other sites have removed EZTV as an affiliate and are taking steps to stop "EZCLOUD LIMITED" indexing releases. KickassTorrents, BT-Chat and The Pirate Bay have since suspended or deactivated the official EZTV accounts and added warning to the old releases, also ex-EZTV staff continue their warnings that people should avoid the scam site that is left behind.
Google have started to no longer serve web results from EZTV and instead provides the articles relating to the hostile takeover by "EZCLOUD" and the possible suspension of the .it domain by the Italian registry


IBtimes criticized that EZTV and ETTV are different distribution groups that are operated by with an implicit relationship.

 No, contrary to popular belief, EZTV and ETTV are not partners in crime. Yet the sites seemed to operate in a kind of implicit partnership: If one didn't offer the newest episode of “Game of Thrones” within an hour of the show's ending on HBO, the other almost certainly would. But ETTV is actually an offshoot of the ExtraTorrent tree of websites, which TorrentFreak predicted would be the No. 3 most popular torrent sites of 2015 (three spots higher than the dearly departed EZTV).

A cursory glance through the most popular torrents on the biggest aggregators show that the most recent TV episodes are almost exclusively being distributed by ETTV

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fertilizers Vs Sterilizers | Nammalvar Explanation to Natural , Artificial Feritilizer

I have heard this, related to G. Nammalvar, Indian organic farming scientist

The fertilizers that we are calling so, is not actually a Fertilizer.

The role of fertilizer is to enhance the soil by enriching the minerals. But the chemicals that we are using for farming is sucking the minerals from soil and gradually makes the soil , to use for nothing.

So, these Chemicals are actually Sterilizers and not Fertilizers.

He has mentioned in his interview that , the corporate politics plays a main role in promoting these Chemical fertilizers to make money and destroying the health of whole nation , because of their lust.

As a solution, he also mentioned that, there are plants like " Agatthi " and their seeds can be used for fertilizing the soil.

Fertilizer Plant:

Of course, Both of the following are Fertilizer plants

So many lies were told to us , that we have been told . Most of them are funny.
I am really felt satisfied to write this information  here.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Gas Subsidy Money to be directly deposited in consumers account : Is it a Good Strategy?

Banking Sector is highly expected to reach rapid growth in near future in India because of the recent steps taken by ruling Government in Central.

Gas Cylinder Subsidy

One of the important strategy, taken by the government is sending the Gas subsidy directly into the consumers bank account.
Currently the government pays half the amount of gas cylinder consumed by the people and it has been paid to the gas agencies. Reports have been claimed that malpractices are in this methodology. So, the government has decided to make sure this amount should completely reach the people and this can only be done by transferring directly to their bank account.

Now, Government hitting two mangoes by throwing a single stone.
Yes, At the end , Each family would have one bank account and other hand the gas subsidy would be fully reach the common people.

Benefits of having a separate Bank account :

  • When we think about majority of common people, they just earn and spend it their earning fully. They are not even saving a single penny for their future.
  • Though some people are saving some money through some local persons who handle money by giving interests in their locality. This is very risky as there is no surity for their money to get back.

  • But, if they get a bank account, they can save some money when they wish to do so. This will result in mutual benefits for government and common people.
  • Government will get some money to invest in its plans. Common people will get some money as savings with interests.

Things to Concentrate in Future:

  1. Rapid increase of consumers would definitely increase the rush in the banks. So , the government banks should learn to implement online banking features for already well structured private banks like ICICI, HDFC etc.
  2. Mobile banking can be given more importance so that people may pay their phone bills, EB bills, recharges, etc through phone itself 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

DTH: Activate puthiya thalaimurai in Dish TV, Airtel Digital TV, Videocon D2H, Tata Sky, Sun Direct

Puthiya Thalaimurai is the leading Tamil news channel which is believed to be the only neutral Tamil news channel that does not support any leading political parties in Tamil Nadu.

The channel is started by the SRM group. As IJK party had been started by SRM founder , it had been noticed that the channel has tried to popularize the party during the time of Tamil Nadu state election.

At the very short time of launch within 2 years of launch, Puthiya Thalaimurai overtook all the other Tamil news channels like Sun news, Kaliaignar news, Jaya plus news, Thanthi news etc because of its neutrality and news presentation format comparable to Standard English news channels like Timesnow, CNN etc.

The group has recently started an entertainment channel called Puthuyugam which doesn’t gain more popularity though the channel tried to telecast new kind of entertainment shows and programs.

Activate Puthiya Thalaimurai News Channel in DTH :

The following DTH service providers telecast Puthiya Thalimaurai in the respective channel numbers provided below. If the channel is not coming in your subscribed pack, then you can add and activate it separately by sending SMS from registered mobile number. SD stands for Standard Definition Package in following table.

Sun Direct
131 (SD)
Reliance Digital TV
823 (SD)
Videocon d2h
589 (SD)
Airtel digital TV
499 (SD)
Tata Sky
717 (SD)

After requested by many users, Dish TV DTH which is being run by Z TV group started telecasting Puthiya Thalaimurai again in their DTH service. So, it is possible to view Puthiya Thalaimurai in channel number 969 and Puthuyugam in Channel number 972  ,if you have or buy or have Dish TV service.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How Internet Giants like Google, Facebook, Youtube , Wikipedia make money for their free services.

We may sometime wonder how the websites like Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Facebook etc make money even if they provide their service for free of cost. Here is the scene behind the screen.

Facebook google yahoo wikipedia twitter youtube

> Youtube
You can wonder youtube doesn't cost you any fee for watching their videos , then how do they make profit. Youtube earns lot of revenue using the following strategies.
  • You might have notice 1 to 2 minute advertisement at the starting of majority of youtube videos. Those advertisement videos are sponsored by third party companies and they pay youtube for displaying their ads in Youtube videos. Youtube give some percentage of money to the video uploaded person and keep remaining money as commission.
  • Apart from this youtube earn some amount of money through paid movies.
  • Google provides almost all of its services like Search, Gmail, Google+ , chrome for free of cost
  • But they are the one who makes a lot of profit using these services.
  • They display advertisements as text or in image or in flash format in their products and making lot of profit through such advertisements.
  • For example you may notice that the first mail in Gmail is titled as Sponsered, It is nothing but an advertisement.
  • Everybody knows that facebook is absolutely free. But they are next to to make a lot of revenue and profit.
  • They have an option to pay for promoting the facebook pages. For example if you create a page for your music band and you want to promote to 1000 members, then you can use this option by paying specific amout of money in dollars.
  • APart from this facebook also earns a lot through displaing advertisement in their pages and posts. If you see any posts with title "Sponsored" then some guy paid facebook to show to you.
> Wikipedia & Quora
  • These websites are non profit organisations. But they need some money to run the websites and maintain their huge servers.
  • So yearly twice or at some frequency , they raise fund from their users to collect specific money who are willing to donate and using that fund they run the organisation.
> Other Websites
  • Websites like yahoo , yahoo answers are all work on the way to display ads to make profits.

Such a way the websites which provide free services earns lots of money . Usually their earnings are defined in seconds or minutes. Imagine then how much they make revenue.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Decline Of Local Mobile Shops in India ( Rise of Online Mobile Phone Shopping)

The Online Shopping Market has already becoming a fat guy gradually. But the latest trend created by Xiaomi , a leading Chinese brand in last few weeks has made a huge threat not only to the leading smartphone manufacturers but also the Local Mobile Phone retailers.

Indian consumers are rapidly moving to the Smartphone technology. Leading manufacturers from various countries all over the world realized this phenomenon and laid their foot in Indian mobile phone market.

Nokia's era is already came to end as they refused to switch over Android technology . Nokia's Market is gradually acquired by Samsung by introducing variety of Smartphone variants.

Side by side some other companies like Micromax, Xolo, LG are also developing their brand images in Smartphone market.

decline of local mobile shops

But, the sudden Entry of Xiaomi with their Unique marketing strategy has created a huge threat to the leaders running in the race. Xiaomi has sold about 1 Lakh unit of Mi3 in 5 weeks and 40000 units of Redmi 1S in 1 week . They sold in "Flipkart Only" Strategy.

Apart from this , the major segment going to be affected by their strategy is Local Mobile Phone Retailers.
In recent Interview , Xiaomi official reported that 20 to 30 percent of mobile phone price has to be given to local retailers as Commission.

But if they sell their product directly in their website or Flipkart, customers can be get benefit as they do not cost the commission cost from the customer.

This will lead to a big decline of the local retail shop segments and this can be compared to the decline of local town cinema theaters at the time of rise of Television Era.

Likewise , when online recharge system introduce, the local recharge card business has almost disappeared.
Rise of Mobile phones lead to the decline of Local Public PCO phone centers.

Now, it is the time that comes to Local Mobile retailers. Unless , they make a alternate strategy there is less chance to survive against the online shopping.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Future Vision of Google's loon Project and Facebook's Project

Internet Giants Google and Facebook have recently laid their foot prints in a grand vision . Yes they aim to spread the rays of Internet all around the world in nook and corner of the living habitats.

Google have started its journey in this project with its innovative loon's Project in which huge balloons will fly over the landscape in a height over than the path of Aero-planes. Those balloons will spread internet signals to the people who set up loon antenna. And there will be signal connection between these balloons itself.

Currently this project is in test phase in NewZealand  with selected number of peoples and Google often reports that they are learning and rectifying lot of things to improve the efficiency and reliability of the loon project.

Soon we can expect the project will be spread in other parts of the world.

Google loon project vs facebook internet org project

On the other hand , Facebook joined hand with huge corporate industries like Ericson, Airtel etc to increase the internet reach among peoples. Their main preference is to spread the internet throughout Africa where most of the nations are still developing and under developed. Internet facility may improve the lifestyle of the continent is the strong belief of Facebook. They have made the vision statement as Making the Internet Affordable

There is no doubt that providing affordable internet among ordinary people will help to develop their lifestyle, provide them the basic services. But critics has also passing comments that the Big brothers of Internet will make a  lot of profit in means of advertisement and there hides a huge selfishness behind the social responsibility.

Anyway, it is a welcoming activity that Facebook and Google jumped into this project, though governments of the countries resists to take such steps toward spreading technology.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Aircel Launched 4G services in two states today

Followed by the launch of 4G lite services in Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa , Aircel today launched its 4G services in Tamil Nadu and Jammu Kashmir..

This launch was happening within one month duration of the previous 4G launch in first set of circles mentioned above.

Before Aircel, the only company which launched its 4G lite in Tamil Nadu is Airtel.

As per Telecom rules, the companies those won high speed spectrum should provide services to at least 90%  of their service areas among which fifty percent should cover rural regions before 2015.

If the companies failed to implement the infrastructure, then the licenses they have won will be withdrawn.

The prices of the 4G tariff are expected almost equal to 3G tariff. Currently Aircel is the cheapest 3G provider in India . It provides 3 GB data for just 100 Rupees with a validity of 2 month. Whereas other networks provide 1 GB data for 250 Rupees.

So we can expect a competitive and cheap plan for 4G lite services from Aircel.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Government plans to provide Cheap Broadband Internet Facility Via Cable TV Operation :

Tamil Nadu  Government recently announced that the Government is going to provide Cheaper Broadband Internet facility all around the state through the existing Arasu Cable TV operation.

This announcement has received many positive appreciation from the critics and the CM Selvi J  Jayalalitha is hugely acclaimed for her wonderful and creative steps toward the technology revolution around the state.
As already government has made some basic facilities that can be done through online . Some of the best implementation are
1. Online bus ticket booking for TNSTC government bus services
2. Online Bill Payment for Electric Board TNEB
3. Online verification for land registration status etc.

Government has provided 20 lakhs free laptops to the college students for last three years.
SO, it is necessary to provide facility to connect them with the internet facility.

This Cheap internet project is announced under 110 rule and an estimation of 50 lakh INR is allocated to this project.

Currently there is no target date or detailed plan executed to implement this project.

But, if this project is implemented successfully, then it would be a huge boon for poor students and middle class people.
Already BSNL provides unlimited internet for 650 Rupees in village areas. So we can expect little cheaper than these rates,
May be around 200 Rupees per month for free unlimited internet in this government Internet Project.

It is obvious that other 3G projects, broadband services will hugely affect by this services and they have to make alternate plan proposals to keep up their place in the race of Internet providers.