Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Google Chrome : Hidden Game without Internet connection in Chrome Offline

Have You ever noticed a default offline game is hidden inside our Google Chrome Browser.

Here is the trick to how to open that classical dinosaur jump game which is hidden in every Google Chrome Browser for both Desktop and mobile versions.

Step 1: Disconnect your Internet connection and mobile data connection. Because, this game works only when there is no internet connection.

Step 2: Open your Google Chrome Browser.

Step 3: Type any web address like and press Enter or GO

Step 4: Now a message screen like below will be displayed with a dinosaur symbol and a message ,

Unable to connect to the Internet. Google Chrome can’t display the webpage because your computer isn’t connected to the Internet.

Step 5:Just press Space Bar for Desktop version or Tap on that dinosaur for Mobile version. Hurray.. the Classical Jump Game Started now and you can score as high as you can.

You can surprise your friend by showing this default offline game hiding inside every chrome browser.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Ten Things Google made Simple And Easier using the Google's SEARCH BOX

1.Google’s route show
Google’s route show is a feature of Google map. But for simplicity , we can access the route information directly in Google search box itself.
Just we need  to type the start and destination place with a keyword to in between the two places.
If we are searching places between countries and continents, flight maps and information will be displayed.

At the same time, if we search local places and destinations, we can get information and route including local trains, local bus route, walkable routes etc.

1.Google map route show

In Google search box, type barcelona to paris
How many flights, their times, duration of journey, route map will be displayed. Sometime bus route , train route may be displayed based on the availability.

All the keywords i have typed in this article are lower cases. This is to illustrate Google accepts both small and upper case keywords from the user.

In future Google may simplify more things for us to get the information easily. I will write if I come to know Google’s new implementations.

These things are meant for basic searches and basic information seekers.
There are many advanced search keywords in Google that can be used to know depth information and specific information based on the user needs.

Ten Things Google made Simple And Easier using the Google's SEARCH BOX

4.Unit Convertor  
This function is similar to calculator function. It contains variety of units like time, weight, length, computer data units like MB to GB conversion and so on.


4.Unit conversion in google search box

In Google search box, type unit convertor
Unit convertor will appear with from and to boxes. You can select the desired units you want to know. Just try to convert miles into kilometers using this box. This would be really fun.

3.Currency Conversion  
Currency conversion is a part of unit conversion. But it has an extra peculiar feature that is history of the currency values will be shown in graph for past ten years and more.


3.Rupee currency conversion

In Google search box, type 1$=
After the currency box appears, you can choose variety of currency values you need to compare with your country currency.

2.Google’s Knowledge graph  
Google knowledge graph receives both positive and negative comments from the critics. It simplifies the search thirst for a particular information. At the same time it drastically reduced the page views of familiar websites like Wikipedia, imdb etc.
Many of us might already experience this feature knowingly or unknowingly. If we type a person name, a brief information from Wikipedia is grabbed and displayed is Google home page itself.


In Google search box, type issac newton
A brief compact information about Issac Newton will be displayed in right corner of the search page. Similarly we can search for a company name, movie name, product name etc. Just check your favorite now.

Ten Things Google made Simple And Easier using the Google's SEARCH BOX

7.Compare two familiar products in Google box
If you want to compare two products like fruits, vegetables and similar things , just type the product names with keyword vs in between the two product names. A brief comparison chart will appear immediately which consists of peculiar information about those product.


7.Bananana vs apple google knowledge graph

In Google search box, type banana vs apple
A compact table which contains a comparison chart is now visible in your browser. You don’t need to browse inside some websites to get these information. This feature is called Google’s knowledge graph.

6.Know important days of your country
Many times we wish to know ,at which date , a specific function or country event occurs. Google made the process too easy. If you just type the name of the event or day, then the date at which the event fall will be displayed immediately.



In Google search box, type republic day
You will be surprised to see the date that is shown corresponding to the republic day. Now try for your favorite events in Google box.

5.Watch live status of live events  
Whether it is a football match or cricket match, google will display the scorecard up to date . Yes, we can see the scores and results of matches that happens on live.


5.Cricket live score in google search box
In Google search box, type cricket score
A brief summary including score, results of the matches happened today will be displayed. You can try this for any football or tennis match too.


10 Things Google made Simple | Easier using the Google's SEARCH BOX

10.Finding Current Time of Any Place
Here after no need to search for a time zone convertor to know the time of different places around the world.
Just two words and single click will show you the live time of a particular place in Google.


Finding Current Time of Any Place
If I need to know the current time in London , I just want to type London time in Google box. Immediately the current digital time of London will be displayed below the search box.
Now try this technique to know the time for your favorite places around the world.

9.Google’s Simple and Advanced Scientific calculator
Already the hardware calculator has become as an extinct product and people moved towards excel calculator and calculator apps.
But if you see Google calculator once , then you will get attracted to this simple and awesome calculator feature provided by Google.


Google’s Simple and Advanced Scientific calculator
Just type calc in the Google box. Now the magic happens. Yes, a cute compact calculator will be displayed immediately where you can perform a range of simple, advanced and scientific calculations very easily.
Here after, Start doing your homework calculations using Google's calc.

8.Find answers for popular formula of Mathematics
Here after we can find the area, perimeter, radius, length etc. using Google search box itself. Most of the simple geometric features like circle, square, rhombus, triangle etc. can be computed in Google box.


Find answers for popular formula of Mathematics

In Google search box, type area of circle
At once you finished typing this phrase, a brief box which contains formula related to circles and a simple representation of circle will appear. You can input and find any of the parameters you wish to find. Just try how its working.
You can also try for other geometric shapes like rhombus, triangle etc.