Showing posts with label Computer Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computer Tricks. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2015

Resolved : Clicking on chrome Tab closes the tab instead of switching to the tab

The most familiar bug of chrome that is not yet solved till date is , When you click over the tab in chrome browser , it will close the tab instead of opening or switching to the specific tab.

This bug is mostly reported by those who uses laptop and rarely reported by PC users.

Resolution method 1 : Disconnecting the secondary mouse
Probably and Unknowingly your laptop is connected to two mouses at a time. The one mouse is the default touch pad and the other mouse might be connected to Bluetooth or USB wired mouse.

So, if you are connected to Bluetooth mouse , remove the device from Bluetooth devices in control panel. If you are connected to USB wired mouse , then disconnect it. Now try to click on the tab on chrome browser and check whether it works perfectly

Resolution method 2 : Restarting the PC or laptop
Restart the computer or laptop and check whether it stops the malfunctioning of mouse clicks

Resolution method 3: Changing the mouse to check
Change the mouse which works well in another one and check it in your computer. If it works well now, then the problem is with your mouse and you have to change it.

Resolution method 4 : Mouse wheel click, two button same time click
  • Click the tab with mouse wheel (middle button) and scroll it . Probably it will work.
  • Also try clicking the tab with both left and right click at the same time.
  • These two methods indicate that your touch pad may have any fault.

Dont's :

  • Do not try uninstalling chrome. This won't work for sure.
  • Do not install any other plugins to resolve it. They might be cheating one.

To combine and Extract zip, rar files with extension 001 002 003

To open or Extract zip files with extension 001 002

Why the zip files ends with 001 002

Sometimes the sender or uploading person who creates the zip file may think that the file is too large to upload as a single file. So he might have created as multiple files with extension 001 002 003 and so on.

How to extract or open the files  zip , rar files with expansion 001 002

Method 1 : Using 7zip
  1. If you have 7zip installed on your PC You can directly follow the procedure otherwise you can download the portable 7zip package from internet which would be around 2.5 MB in size
  2. Ensure all the files with extension 001 002 are in same folder or directory
  3. Open 7zip
  4. Through 7 zip , navigate and find the location and select the file with 001 expansion
  5. Right click and choose extract
  6. The files will be automatically combined and extracted into a single file in the specified location.
  7. Mostly avi files, zip , rar files can be combined using this method.

Method 2: Using Winrar or winzip :
  1. If you have winzip or winrar installed on your PC, just open it and follow the same procedure as mentioned in method 1
  2. Note that Ultimate zip do not have option to extract the zip files with extension 001 002

Method 3: HJ Split
  1. Try this method only if the above two methods not works.
  2. Install HJ split software and follow the procedure mentioned in method 1

Sunday, February 22, 2015

To send, copy exe files Via email , communicator, Skype

Some security settings in Windows and other third party softwares will not allow you to share exe files like copying them in the disk .

Basically this is for a good purpose to avoid Virus or Malware attack. But , sometime we know that the exe files we have is trusted , even though the security settings prevent to copy the exe files.

This same scenario is applicable for Microsoft office communicator like software, outlook, Gmail etc..

So, here is the easy technique to copy / share exe files through email, file sharing software etc.

  1. Change the extension of the exe files into some other document extension like pdf . For example, if the application name is soundrecorder.exe , just rename it into soundrecorder.pdf
  2. Now you can attach this file in email or copy it in your computer or wherever you want. The security setting will think that it is an pdf file and allow you to copy or share it.
  3. Once you copied the file , change back the file extension into exe by the same technique and you can open it or run it as usual
  • Use this technique only if you are sure that the exe file is from trusted source.
  • If you are not able to view the extension along with the file name, refer the article How to Display / Hide extension of file name 

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Convert PDF into tiff image in Windows 7

Finally the mystery for converting the PDF page into tiff image is now possible in windows 7 and moreover its free.

You might aware that in Windows XP there was a default option to print tiff image of the documents. But in later versions of windows, this option is removed and replaced by xps format and one note file option.

Steps to convert PDF document into tiff in Windows 7
  1. Download the freeware called PDF-Xchange Viewer. The size will be around 8 Mega Byte and it is a portable version and you no need to install it .So, we can carry it anywhere easily.
  2. Open the software by double clicking it
  3. Open the PDF document in the software.
  4. Now, right click on the PDF page you need to convert into tiff, select Export 
  5. PDF to tiff convert in windows 7
  6. In the image type you can choose tiff
  7. You can select the Quality of the file to control the file size. Better leave the default settings.
  8. Now press export . Your PDF document will be converted into tiff image perfectly.

Monday, December 15, 2014

To stop Locking Windows screen after 10 minutes of Inactivity

This trick is probably helpful for those who watches a full length movie in windows media player and those who want their screen active and unlocked even if they go for tea break during their working time to escape from their boss.

How to stop locking windows lock screen

Here is the simple trick to stop locking the Windows 7 Screen after 10 minutes of inactivity.

Step 1 : Right click on Desktop , Click Personalize , Go inside Screen saver. Ensure whether your screen saver is set for a long time duration or never went off. Remove the Check mark in the option , on display show log in screen.

Step 2: If you don't have administrator rights to change the screen saver settings , use this trick.
Open windows media player Go to Tools -- Options . In Player tab, Uncheck Allow screen saver during playback.

You are done. Now you can open some mp3 or audio files in media player, Keep it in repeat mode, mute the sound and switch off your monitor.

Your computer will never lock automatically until you close windows media player. Your boss will see you as available in your communicator status till you come back from your very long tea break.

Be cautious as this type of trick will lead to others use your system when you are not available at your desk.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Try This: No need to memorize Short Cut Keys for Microsoft Office tools

Here after, we don’t need to memorize lot of shortcut keys to work on Microsoft office tools.

If you want to perform a specific operation using keyboard while working with any one of the Microsoft office software like Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word Etc. then just press Alt key for 2 seconds. Then all the icons in the screen will be highlighted with specific numbers.


For example if I want to Insert an picture through keyboard shortcut in Microsoft outlook, then following are the steps I need to perform.

Here after, we don’t need to memorize lot of shortcut keys to work on Microsoft office tools.  If you want to perform a specific operation using keyboard while working with any one of the Microsoft office software like Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel, Word Etc. then just press Alt key for 2 seconds. Then all the icons in the screen will be highlighted with specific numbers.  For example if I want to Insert an picture through keyboard shortcut in Microsoft outlook, then following are the steps I need to perform.  Press Alt key for 2 seconds Now I can see N symbol is highlighted near Insert. So, I press N. Now I can see P symbol is highlighted near the Picture . SO I press P. Then as usual I select the picture from the computer to insert In the message area.  This technique works in latest few versions of Microsoft office. Check whether it is working in your package and utilize it effectively.  We can work little leisurely using this simple technique as there is no need to store and recollect shortcuts for some familiar  operations we do perform usually.  But still, for operations like Copy (Ctrl C),Paste(Ctrl V), Bold & Italic (Ctrl B,Ctrl I), Uppercase and Lower case conversion (Shift+F3) shortcuts are best.

  • Press Alt key and release it.
  • Now you can see N symbol is highlighted near Insert. So, I press N.
  • Now you  can see P symbol is highlighted near the Picture . SO I press P.
  • Then as usual I select the picture from the computer to insert In the message area.

This technique works in all latest versions of Microsoft office. Check whether it is working in your package and utilize it effectively.

We can work little leisurely using this simple technique as there is no need to store and recollect shortcuts in our mind for some familiar  operations we do perform usually.

But still, for operations like Copy (Ctrl C),Paste(Ctrl V), Bold & Italic (Ctrl B,Ctrl I), Uppercase and Lower case conversion (Shift+F3) shortcuts are best.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

To Compress or Zip a file using winzip, winrar sofware

Do you need to reduce the size of a file or a set of files and to send it through email or share it in internet or carry it in your pend drive.

There is a solution. There are many software available to compress the files and reduce its size.

Familiar zipping sofwares are winzip,winrar,7zip,ultimatezip.
Now let me explain how to compress a file.
  1. Download any one of the software that I have mentioned above.
  2. Install it in your computer.
  3. Now right click on the file which you need to compress and select send to  compressed folder.
  4. Now a compressed folder with the name you have specified will be created in your computer.
  5. Check the size of the file before and after zipping. Surely there will be notable difference in the file size.
Here I wish to insist some points on compressed files.

The compression of the file is depending on the file type you are compressing. If you are compressing an avi file , the the compression will be more and reduce in file size also more.

But if you try to compress some files like xls and doc , the compression might not be that much effective.

If you want to send an exe file through gmail or yahoo, they wont allow you to send .Because most of the harmful viruses are being spread through exe files.But if you are sure that the exe file is a good one, then you can compress it and send it through gmail and yahoo mail.

One more advantage of zipping is, you can save a lot of data usage and uploading/downloading time when the file is zipped.

If you need a free zipping software, then go for winzip or winrar. I think 7zip is also a freeware. But former is widely used.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Edit a pdf file in windows 7 , Windows 8 and windows XP

Before illustrating how to edit a pdf , I just want you to tell you one thing. That is the Adobe pdf reader that we are using is just a pdf viewer and not an editor.

Adobe also have pdf editor , but we need to purchase from them and their pdf editor is not an freeware.

But to edit pdf files , so many software are available and one of the best is Foxit pdf editor.editor. Foxit is free to download and no need to install.You can directly open it and it is an easily portable software application.

So you can easily carry it in your pen drive and edit your pdf files wherever you want.
To download the software and to read a small review about the software you can visit Foxit-Pdf editor-Review

Here I am writing simply the steps to edit an pdf using this Foxit pdf editor.

1.Open Foxit pdf editor.
2.Once the software is open , drag and drop the pdf file which you need to edit.
3.Now you can edit the text using edit options available in the software.
4.You can also delete unwanted pages.
5.If you want to import some pages from another pdf file, you can do it. There are options.

What else.Let get the application in to your computer and start editing your pdf files.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Get videos from Online websites in PC and Laptop

YouTube has started to provide offline View for some of YouTube videos in to your local drive

Obviously you can save lot of data usage if you follow this kind of practices. But currently the option is not implemented , so we have to grab using other external apps.

The classical way of downloading the videos on internet is to take it from the cache file of the browser folder. But as I told it is classical , let skip this way. Don't worry, an easiest way is there.

The alternate way is to use download managers like Internet download manger(idm) or orbit down-loader to download the videos. In my experience , idm .internet download manager is the best tool to download youtube videos.

Follow the steps to download the videos from youtube. Not only from youtube , any videos playing in internet.

1.Download the latest trial version on idm , directly from their official website.
2.Install the software in your PC or laptop.
   While installing, tick mark the option - Integrate chrome,ie,firefox to idm
3.Once you installed the software , the idm software will notify you that it will integrate with your browsers.
4.Now open any of your browser and play the youtube video.
5.One the video started playing, a popup button "Download video"will be shown in your screen.
6.Now press the button and choose the location of download directory.

Thats it . Now the video will be saved in your PC

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

PixClip - Free Screen capture tool

Pressing print screen button and then copying it in paint and cropping unwanted portion and saving as a picture file and again inserting in an excel sheet or PowerPoint slide is a lengthy process and  you need not follow this inefficient way to grab a picture no longer

Many screen capture tools are available now in internet .Some of them are free and many of them are for a cost.Today the review is about a most popular and simple screen capture tool called Pixclip.

The download file of this Pixclip application is very very small as in 48 KB size. You do not need to install  and once you open this file it will remain in your tray and you can set to start this application while you start the computer as optional.

One more effective option that is available in the software is you can set up a shortcut key for starting the application and no need to search for the launch icon every time.
Still you need an effective way to make the screen capture faster. Yes you can. You can set another option to capture the previous selected region and no need to drag for the same region again and again. Just press the assigned shortcut key and you are done with the task and paste it where you want.

I explain briefly to how to use the software effectively by some simple techniques.

1.How to make the software to run on startup
1.How to make the software to run on startup

2.How to assign shortcut key for start capture

Some screen capturing tools like FS capture has an option called capture window that will be useful most of the times. This option is not available in Pixclip. I hope the developers will try to implement this feature if they see this review by chance.

One more drawback is if you use this application for a longtime without quitting it , the clipboard memory will become fully occupied and you cant proceed copying further.The solution is you need to erase clipboard memory or restart the computer.

Beyond these minor drawbacks the freeware is an wonderful application tool to use. Make a try and post your comments if you find any issues on the application.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dark - Application to turn off laptop monitor - A review

Dark.exe - The most popular application to turnoff the monitor display. I think this short review of the application may be helpful for those who try to switch of the laptop monitor very offten.

You can download the software in the official website or you can google to find another link.

The advantage of this software is you can turn of the monitor by a single click the dark application tray icon.And when you press any key are move your mouse , your monitor display will resume back.

Here is the drawback of the software , reported often and experienced often. When you turn off the display using this application and after sometime at the time of pressing any key or moving your mouse, the display will not resume back and the only solution is you have to turn off and restart it again.

This problem is reported often by the consumers of this application, the future versions of this application may resolve this issue .

But if you want to turn off the laptop display manually, then dark application is the best option. Save battery ,save power using this simple application.

Dark is an freeware application .


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bluestacks | How to open Android applications in your PC or Laptop

Here after we can run your favorite android applications on your personal computer or laptop.For that we need  to install the software called Blue stacks Apps Player. The software has both pros and cons and this review is all about the peculiar software.

There is no doubt that the developers of this software has put a tonne of work to release this nice software.Let me tell about the salient features of this software before entering into its drawbacks.

  • If you are an android application developer , then here is the software for you guys. You can test your application easily through this software before releasing into the market or google play store.
  • Are you one of the fan of talking tom and as many android applications and need to explore them in big screens like your pc or laptop. If so, you will like this software and you can explore as many android applications as you need.
  • In android phones you have a memory limitation , so you cannot keep more applications installed in your phone. But if you have this software installed in your pc, then you can install more applications because your laptop/pc memory configuration will be more when compared to android smart phones.

  • The main limitation of this software is , the setup file you have to download is large .106 MB.A question arises here  that , "Is it necessary this much huge size for this application?" . 
  • When comparing to smartphones the speed of the application is low comparatively.
  • Start up time of the software is also long.
  • As smartphones are touchscreen and applications are based on touch screen , there are few lagging points when you install those applications in PC.
Download :
You can the directly download from the blue stacks official website

Begin to use the software and I think this software has some future if we will use it and let them tell our true feedback