Showing posts with label Batelco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Batelco. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Batelco : To Change Batelco Email Password

To Change Batelco Email Password :

>>Why I have to Change my password:

To protect your Batelco Email account from security threats like phishing attacks, spam emails it is necessary to change the password of your email ID in a regular Interval.

The password should contain at-least 6 to 9 characters which contains Alphabets, Numeric and some special character , so that it is difficult for someone to guess the password easily.

>>How to Change Batelco Email Password :

  1. If you want to change the email password through online, visit
  2. Login with your User ID and current password
  3. Once you are in , look for the option account settings
  4. Inside that select Change Password
  5. Enter current password , Enter new password, COnfirm the new password and press save
  • You can check the new password by logout from the email account and relogin with the new password

Monday, October 27, 2014

Batelco : Check 3G Data Balance Enquiry | Activate 4G, Unsubscribe Internet | Prepaid Balance Enquiry | Batelco Turbo Deactivation Bahrain

This article will help you to check 3G Internet Data Balance remaining in Your Prepaid Batelco Sim card, Bahrain

To Check Data Balance, Prepaid data Balance Enquiry

If you have activated Unlimited 3G Internet Plans in Bolton Prepaid, you will get high 3G speed upto Threshold data and speed will be reduced (Throttled) to 512 Kbps beyond the threshold data usage.
If you want to check the remaining data balance in your mobile send a SMS in below format from your Batelco Mobile number.
  • Type THMBB
  • Send to the toll free number 4554

To Activate 4G in Batelco

  1. All the internet packs available in Batelco are applicable for 4G LTE Speed
  2. If you want to use Batelco internet data in 4G Speed, your phone must be capable of 4G LTE browsing
  3. And you should replace a new 4G LTE smart sim from your nearest Batelco showroom
  4. Recharge with any internet package to activate and browse in 4G speed

To Know the Threshold Speed Value

If you want to Know the threshold Limit for your broadband plan,  send a SMS in below format from your Batelco Mobile number.
  • Type TH
  • Send to the toll free number 4554

To Activate Unlimited 3G Data Pack in Batelco Bahrain

Following is the List of Unlimited 3G Data packs provided by Batelco Bahrain.
Choose your pack and send the activation pack to 4554
  • If you want to activate 250 MB for 2 Days, send an sms 3G250 to 4554
  • You should have sufficient main account balance in your Batelco to activate these internet packs.
Unlimited 3G Packs
Threshold Limit
Activation Code
15 GB
60 Days
4 GB
30 Days
1.5 GB
30 Days
1 GB
30 Days
1 GB
7 Days
250 MB
2 Days
400 MB
10 Hours

To Unsubscribe from 3G Data Pack

To Unsubscribe or Deactivate the existing Auto renewal 3G Data Pack, Send a SMS in following format.
  • Type DSMS
  •  Send to the toll free number 4554

To deactivate Batelco Turbo

  • To deactivate Batelco SimSim Turbo , dial *612#
  • To deactivate Batelco Twin Turbo , dial *645#

To deactivate social media pack in Batelco

  • To deactivate unlimited social media pack in Batelco, send *422# or send an sms DCL to 4554
  • If you want to deactivate international social media package, then dial *522# from your batelco mobile phone.

Batelco : Block SMS from particular number in Batelco Bahrain

This article helps you to stop receiving Unwanted SMS from a particular mobile number in Batelco Bahrain.

To Block SMS (Message) from Particular Mobile Number
         If you are receiving annoying SMS from a particular number continuously ,  then you can stop receiving SMS from that particular number.
To block SMS from particular number type a SMS from your Batelco mobile number in below format  and send it to 5000

Block <sender ID>  or
Block <sender number>

You can activate SMS Filtering using USSD service by dialing *888*3# from your Batelco mobile number,

To Unblock SMS (Message) from Particular Number
        If you want to unblock the particular number which you previously blocked, then you can remove him from the blacklist by sending the following SMS to 5000

Unblock <sender ID>  or
Unblock <sender number>

To Divert or Forward SMS to another Batelco mobile Number
        You can easily forward or Divert your received SMS to another Batelco Mobile number.
To forward received SMS , type a message in below format and send it  to 5000

Divert <phone> or
DV <phone>

If you want to disable the SMS Divert Option, you can deactivate diversion by sending the following SMS to 5000


Sunday, October 26, 2014

Batelco : PUK code Retrieval & Reset PIN number for locked SIM | Bahrain

This article will help you to get the PUK code for your Batelco locked SIM card and reset your PIN number to make your mobile phone work again.

Luckily, Batelco is allowing the users to view the PUK code through online.If you want to generate PUK for Batelco , follow any one below method.

Remember that PUK code cannot be generated by any downloaded software. So avoid downloading any software for this issue.

>>Method 1- Through online

  • Go to Official website of Batelco and in customer service section choose GSM PUK
  • Now Input your GSM Number and CPR number to retrieve your PUK code
  • Note it down and enter it in your mobile phone to unlock the SIM card and activate it.
Batelco PUK code retrieval Procedure

>>Method 2-Helpline

   If you are calling from Batelco mobile number , call to customer care 196 
   If you are calling from  other network or land line then use the following number to get puk code
  • +97339611196
Batelco puk code find sms online locked sim card

The customer care person will ask the SIM number printed on your SIM card which contains 8 to 15 numbers.

You have to tell the owner of the SIM card which is registered on the name while buying it.

Some other basic details like CPR / CR number will be asked to Confirm that you are the owner. If you manage to convince the customer care person, then they will provide the PUK code.

If you are using smartphones, try to avoid using PIN code password of SIM card .Better use some App locking application like Applock360 security .You can download them from Google play store for free of cost.

Every corporate organization is moving towards simplifying the process using technology. In future , Batelco is one of the few networks that provide online option to retrieve PUK code.

Go on . Speak with the customer care person, Get your PUK code.

Related Tags:
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