Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Android: To Set Emergency contact number in lock screen

Android smart phone users who lock their screen using security code or lock pattern are recommended to set emergency contact number accessible from your lock screen.

Displaying Emergency contact in lock screen will help in emergency situations like

  • when the owner of the phone is in any critical situation 
  • The owner left the phone and someone find it and wanted to contact the owner

To set Emergency contact in Lock screen - Android :

  1. Go to Settings →Device→Lock screen→Owners Information. Type the Emergency contact number and the name
  2. Go to Contacts → Groups → Tap on the Group ICE-Emergency contact → Add your Emergency contact. You can add up to 4 numbers.

Now if someone found your phone and wanted to contact your emergency contact, they will have two information on your lock screen.

  • First option is he will see the Owner's information note displayed in lock screen . 
  • Second one is he can tap on the Emergency call option and call to the mobile number added to the Emergency contact number. 
Apart from utilizing this option as self, please advise your friends and family who own Android, Apple smart phones to use this option. This option has the power to save lives. 

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Android : Change file extension in Android File Browsers- pdf,bin,zip,rar,7z | View Bin file in android

In Android Smart phones, the default file browser allow the user to rename only the file name. If you want to change the extension of the file, then follow any one method mentioned in this article.

To change file extension in Android Phone :

  1. Go to Google play store and download ES file explorer developed by ES APP Group. After Installing the ES Explorer in your smart phone, browse the file in ES Explorer and select rename option to change the extension of the file
  2. Connect the smart phone with any Windows laptop or PC. Browse the desired file and select rename option to change the extension of the file.


  • Use this option only when it is necessary. For example, if you download any secured pdf file in Android browser, it will download as .bin file. In that case, you have to rename it as .pdf to view the file
  • If you rename pdf to doc or jpeg to png or xls to txt, then the file will appear as corrupted. You need to use file converter tools to perform such conversions.

To view bin file in Android :

  1. Open ES file explorer . If you dont have it, get it from google play store
  2. Now rename the file extension from .bin to .pdf and select OK
  3. Now, you will be able to view the file in PDF reader
  4. If your bin file is in another format, then you have to change the extension accordingly to view the file.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Android : Dictionary update information | To stop download notification

Notification : Dictionary update information

If there is an update found in your phone's dictionary that is associated with Android keyboard or Google Keyboard, then the download manager will automatically start updating the information , if you are connected to WiFi.
But if you don't have WiFi, whenever you turn on mobile data then this notification will keep on running in your notification bar, . But download will not happen until you connect with Wi-fi.

To Stop Dictionary update information notification :

  1. Connect your mobile to Wifi internet data.
  2. Go to Settings → Language and Input
  3. In keyboard and input methods, choose the keyboard installed in your phone. (Tap on the options button available right to the Keyboard name)
  4. Tap on Text correction
  5. Select Add-on dictionaries
  6. Now you can see some languages that are Installed, Available status
  7. Apart from English and Your mother tongue, uninstall all the installed languages. (This step is optional )
  8. Now tap on Refresh
  9. Again tap on refresh
  10. Now the update will be completed shortly and you wont receive the Dictionary Update Information , notification.

As a temporary solution, if you don't have Wi-fi network access, then Long press on the notification and tap on App info
Select Force stop to close the Android Download Manager App , Tap on Clear data and Clear cache option and press OK.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Dual mic Noise Reduction in Android Smartphones

 Smart phone noise reduction

Dual mic Noise Reduction
You might have seen some option called Dual mic Noise Reduction ON and Dual Mic noise reduction off in your Android smartphone settings.

What is Dual Mic Noise Reduction :
Dual Mic Noise Reduction is a technology used by latest Smartphones in order to reduce the ambient ( surrounding) noise and send the clear voice to the other side while speaking a call in noisy environment like traffic jams and other Noisy Market area.

How Dual Mic Noise reduction works :
If you closely look at your smartphone, you can see two microphones located. One near at the front side bottom corner and other one at backside most probably just below the camera lens.
So, if you enable the Dual Mic noise reduction option in call settings, at noisy environments both mics receive noise from surroundings at similar level and subtracted from each other by connecting the microphones out of phase. But the voice of the person will be larger as the primary mic will be placed very near to the mouth. So, the person who hears the voice at opposite will hear more clear voice without any noise even in the noisy environment.

How to enable Noise reduction :
  • Go to settings - Call Settings - Other settings. In Noise reduction category, check the tick mark (Enable) Dual mic noise reduction .
  • You can disable this using this same procedure anytime. But I advice to keep the setting always on to get better voice call experience.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Android: Enable | Disable Safety Recovery mode

To start Android phone in safe mode

As similar to Safety mode in Windows OS in personal computer and laptop, we can use our Android phones also in safety or recovery mode.
In this mode, only default apps which were installed during the purchase of phone will work in this mode.

Method 1:
  • Some of the Android versions will ask for a popup like , "Restart in safety mode" when you press the power off button and select shutdown or power off option.
  • If your android version does not have this option , try for method 2

Method 2:
  • Turn off your mobile phone using normal shutdown option by pressing power button
  • Now restart it again.
  • Once the manufacturer logo like Samsung, Nokia,Xolo,lava, Moto appears press and hold volume down button.
  • A popup will occur that you are going to enter in the safety mode and if you give OK, you will be entered in to the safety recovery mode.

How to disable and come out of Safety mode:
  • To come out of safety mode, you just need to restart your mobile phone and it will automatically enter in to the normal mode with all the installed apps running as usual.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

To Customize the Display of Contacts in Android

How to Customize the Display of Contacts in Android

Step 1 : Go to Contacts

Step 2:  Pick the menu button to view the list of options like Settings, Accounts, Clear Frequents, Contact to display

Step 3: Now Tap on Contacts to display

Step 4: Here you can find a list of options like All contacts, Whatsapp, VIber, Simcard 1, Simcard2, Phone, Customize etc

Step 5: If you want to show all the contacts stored in all apps, phone storage, SIM then choose All contacts

If you want to check what are all the contacts stored in Phone or SIM 1 or SIM 2 or VIber, then choose the specific option and go back and see your contact list

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to speed up android phone without rooting

Reasons for Your Phone get slower :

In long run, most of the apps that have installed in android phones, specifically Googel Play services, Facebook, Chrome browser, Messenger etc will accumulate huge amount of cache files which collectively form unnecessary junk files.

It is our task to clean these junk files often to release sufficient space in Phone storage.

Apart from this,when you uninstall some apps, some Empty folders will be still there corresponding to those uninstalled apps. You can clean these junk files without any external app. But it will take time.Apps like clean master will help to clean these files fast.

  • Just go to File Browser - Phone memory and have a look. You can see the folders in the name of apps that you have uninstalled long long ago.
  • Some cleaning apps like 360, Clean master too don't clean these empty files sometime. It ll add up and in long run would affect the phone speed.
  • Some Other reasons includes
  1. Storage of thumbnail files,
  2. Cache files specifically in Internet browsers,
  3. Using phone memory for storing photos, movies,songs,downloads instead of sd card memory.
  4. Statistics like call history, Bluetooth storage history should be deleted often.

How to clean these files
  • Most of these unwanted files will be detected and cleaned if you use apps like 360 and Clean master. You can get them at Google play store.
  • If you have some basic knowledge about android file system, you can manually clear these caches often to get your phone speed up.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Troubleshoot: Pen drive not detecting in Android

When there were only windows OS laptops and Symbian operated mobile phones, we had to transfer the files from pen drive to PC and then to mobile phone by means of USB connecting cable.

But, Once Android entered into the game, the scenario changes.
We can directly connect the Pen drive to Android smartphones by means of OTG (On the GO ) cables and transfer the files directly.

Even though we can directly connect the USB drive directly to the phones, lot of us are facing difficulties to transfer files through this method.

The following troubleshooting method might help you to spot out the issue and let you to solve it and transfer your files from Pen drive to Android smartphone and Smarphone to Pen drive easily.

Method 1 :

Ensure that your pen-drive is formatted using FAT 32 method. If it is formatted using NTFS method, then Android phones could not detect your pendrive.

You can check it by inserting the Pen drive in some laptops or PC and to check it in the properties.

Solution is to copy the data in local drive, reformat into FAT 32 method, recopy the file and connect it to the Android device.

Method 2:
  • Root your Android phone
  • Install NTFS mounter app in your phone
  • Connect the pendrive with your android device
  • Transfer the data

Method 3:

Check whether your mobile phone has the capability to connect with USB drive. Some classic old modeled Android devices do not support OTG cabled USB drive connection.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Sync Subtitle in Android | VLC , MX, KM Player

Every Video Players like VLC , MX , KM Player that have already proved their own performance has also laid their strong foot prints in Android Mobile market too.

But, still there are lot of improvements to be made in Android versions of Video Players and one of such necessary feature is Re-syncing of subtitles.

In windows and MAC , it is very easy to adjust the subtitles according to the dialogue (audio voice).
But, still this feature is lagging in Android version and iPhone versions.

Still, MX player attempted a trial step toward re-synchronizing the subtitle file. We can swipe the subtitle to the left or right to adjust plus or minus one second to re sync with the audio.

In VLC Android version, to sync the subtitle try the following steps

  1. Tap on the three dots ( more options button)
  2. Now select sub-title delay option
  3. Now based on your requirement you can press + or - option which delays or advances the subtitle.
  4. Repeat the above step till the subtitle syncs with the Audio exactly
  5. Once you got the correct synchronization, remember the delay in milliseconds (ex :2500 ms) so that you can quickly set the same value , if the video is closed and restarted in between.

To adjust the subtile in Android MX Player

  1. Press three vertical dots in right top corner 
  2. Tap on Subtitle → Synchronization
  3. Press + to delay the subtitle by 0.1 second . Repeat until it matches with voice
  4. Press - to advance the subtitle by 0.1 second. Repeat until the text matches with the voice

On the other hand, BS player automatically detects correct subtitle file for your video and also sometimes automatically sync the subtitle with the audio.

You can also re-sync the subtitle srt files with video as follows ,
  • Open the video and srt files in laptop or PC and manually resync using the advanced options available in most of the Windows OS players
  • To download separate apps in android market to adjust the subtitle and then save it as a different file and adding it with the video . This is a very time consuming process and it will eat our time.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

UG NX : Creating a Simple L Bracket with two fixing holes :Tutorial

Before start creating the component, you have to make a quick plan in your mind that how you are going to make the model.

For example, for the below L Bracket, we are going to draw a L Shaped, 2D sketch with required dimensions.
Extrude it to form a 3D L-shaped bracket. Finally to make fixing holes using hole feature.

  • Open UG NX software. Go to File - New - and select model. Give a new model name called Bracket.prt . Remember where this file is stored in your computer.
  • Once you created the new file, ensure that you are in Modeling Application.
  • Go to Insert -  Sketch
  • Now the tools that are needed to draw a sketch will appear in the bottom of the screen.
  • Using line, arc curves create a L shaped sketch roughly with your own dimensions.
  • Using Inferred dimensions, mark the dimensions. Marking all the necessary dimensions is known as constraining the sketch.
  • Once you drawn the L-shaped sketch, Click on finish Sketch.

  • Go to part navigator which appear in the left side of the screen. Here you can find the history of the component. Now you can see a Datum coordinate system and Sketch in the history tree.
  • We are going to convert this sketch into a 3D model. Go to Insert - Design Feature - Extrude
  • Now a form named Extrude will open in the screen. You have to fill from top to bottom and the * marked parameters are necessary to finish the operation.
  • Select the curves of 2D sketch . Press Enter and enter the extrude start length as 0 and end length as some appropriate value. Press OK
  • We are almost done with the bracket . Only thing remaining is Fixing holes.
  • Go to Insert - Design Feature - Hole
  • Choose the type of hole as simple hole.Select the surface you want to make the hole and specify the center position and click finish sketch.
  • Change the Size of the hole dimension as you wish. Press OK

Now we have obtained the L-shaped bracket with two fixing holes.

Thursday, December 25, 2014

User Interface of Unigraphic NX | Comparing Ideas NX interface

UG NX is the advancement of I-deas software. Because of the robust nature of I-deas and to overcome its drawback to compete with other software like CATIA, ProE, Solidworks etc , Unigraphic NX was developed.

So , those who were worked in I-deas may find little easier to cope up with this software.

The User Interface used in latest versions of UG NX is called ribbon interface. It is similar to the interface that is used in Microsoft Office Tools like MS word, MS excel etc.

Ribbon Interface :

What is Ribbon Interface ? It simply indicates that most of the options will be available in the screen itself as a set of icon groups. We don't need to waste time in searching the options inside any menu lists.

In addition to the icons available in the screen, a classic way of menu lists also available in UG NX.

So , you can find the same option in two or three places. This is just to enhance the user experience and to improve the easiness to work in the software.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

UG NX: File structure and basic terms in UG NX

File structure and basic terms in UG:

  • The components, Assembly and drawings that we create in UG NX are stored in the extension with .prt
  • The finite element model (mesh model) that we create in Advanced simulated module are stored in the extension .fem
  • The simulation file (With boundary conditions and results) will be stored as .sim extension.
  • And the sub assembly and components used in an Assembly are stored as separate prt files. So, we have to call, load all sub assembly components when we are working in an assembly.

Basic Terms and definitions:

It will be easier to work with the software if we are familiar with the following terms and definitions :

1.Component :
Component denotes a individual part . In some software, it is called as part. In UG we call it as components.
Example : If you are modeling a Fan. The whole set up is called as FAN assembly. Individual parts like Fan wing, Motor, Bolts, Nuts are called as components.

2.Solid Body: 
A component may consists of one or more closed surface groups called as solid bodies. If you have to calculate properties like mass, volume then it should be a closed surfaces ( solid bodies)
Sheet Body: If the component consists of opened ended surfaces, then they can be categorized as Sheet body.
Faceted body: Faceted body is a kind of light weight surfaces which do not contains any history of how the component is created.

3.Edge : The meeting point of two surfaces is called as Edge

4.Face: Surfaces are called as face in UG NX. A component consists of more face. For example, a cube consists of six faces.

5.Curves : Curves are the basic elements to build a 2D sketch. The curve may be a line, arc, circle, ellipse, spline etc.

6.Feature: Feature is a certain operation performed to build a component. Many features make a complete component. For example Extrude, Rrvolve, extend, trim are called as features.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Meaning of Up Down Arrows in signal bar | Android Mobile

Have you ever noticed two small arrows on the signal bar of your Android smart phones.
In some of the phones, these arrows will appear very near to the signal bar.

Here is the meaning of those small cute arrows:

Arrow Facing upwards :

It means that data is transferred from your mobile phone into Internet. Yes, you are uploading some information from your phone to Internet. The uploading data might be Small texts that you send on Whatsapp or large video file you are uploading to Facebook.

UP down arrows mwaning in android phone
So now, just check this with the following examples :
1.Enable internet on your phone , Go to and type something. While typing the keyword, you can notice the up arrow will be displayed . It means that the search term is uploaded from your mobile to internet.
2.Upload an Image to Whatsapp. You can observe the up arrow appearing again.

Arrow Facing downwards:
Obviously as you guessed, the down arrow means that you are downloading some data . The data may vary from a "Hi" message in whatsapp to a big torrent file.

So , Hereafter you can easily check whether the data transmission is happening or not , using this two small arrows.

Related Articles:
Meaning of E , H , H+, G, 3G, R in Mobile Network Signal Bar

Monday, November 3, 2014

Meaning for Call forwarding on conditional

Meaning of Call forwarding on conditional

Are you receiving a pop up message in your phone screen like “Call Forwarding on Conditional” , each and every time you dial an outgoing call.

Do not worry. It means that call forwarding option is activated in your mobile phone for one or more condition.

Following are the conditions , you can forward a call when the conditions is true.

Condition 1: When Busy :- means that call will be forwarded to the number you have setup , when you are busy with another call.

Condition 2: When Not reachable :- means that call will be forwarded to another mobile number you have input , when you are in a remote or not reachable location.

Condition 3: When Switched Off :- means that the incoming call will be forwarded to another mobile number , when your mobile phone is switched off.

Condition 4: When the Call is answered :- means that the incoming call will be forwarded to another mobile number , when your missed the call for certain number of rings.

Apart from this call waiting option is also available in every mobile phone.

If you want to remove this Call Forwarding on Conditional option, then go to Setting -> Phone settings -> Call settings -> Call forward .
Now uncheck or disable all the call forwarding conditions that you have enabled. Thereafter you will not receive that popup while making a call.

You can use this conditional call forwarding option very effectively. Click here to see more.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Remove SIM card PIN code in Android smartphone

By default every mobile network provide the SIM card to its subscribers incorporated with a PIN and PUK code.

Both these codes intends for security reason . If these security codes are enabled by the user, during mobile theft cases nobody can misuse the SIM card without knowing the PIN code.

But if the user forgot in the PIN code, then he will be in trouble. Each and every time we restart the phone, the phone will ask for PIN code to enable the mobile signal or activate the SIM card.

Nowadays, People moving towards smartphone technology. So many apps are available in the Android market to ensure the security and privacy of data and mobile.

So, it is not necessary to risk with the SIM card PIN code.

sim lock password

Follow the procedure to remove the PIN code from SIM card :

Literally , The PIN code cannot be removed, we can only disable it .

Step 1 : Go to settings

Step 2 : Select Security settings

Step 3: Choose Set up SIM card lock

Step 3 : If you have dual SIM , select the SIM in which you want to remove the PIN code.

Step 4:  Uncheck the Lock SIM card option. When you try to uncheck it, the pop up will open and ask for current PIN code.

Step 5: If you dont know the current PIN code, call to customer care and tell your SIM card number printed on the back SIDE of the SIM card and ask for the PIN code.

Step 6: Enter it in your phone to disable the PIN code. If you type your PIN code three times wrongly, then the SIM will be locked and ask for PUK code.

If you already locked your SIM because of incorrect attempts of PIN code, do not assume PUK code.
It will permanently block you SIM. See this Procedure to unlock the PUK code safely.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Tips to Avoid Smartphone addiction | Stop Over usage of Mobile Phones

Experiencing and using smartphone technology is not bad. But over usage of smartphones becomes addiction and at a point of time, the time will not move without smartphone in the hand.

So, stopping the over usage of smartphones and coming out of this addiction is very important. Living in virtual world is very dangerous and lead to a depressed mentality.

This article deals with the top working methods to avoid phone addiction.

>Low Battery Mode Trick

This low battery mode method will work for most of us.

The trick is ,Do not charge the smartphone to 100 % every day. Just charge it to 60 to 70 percent only.

So, if you over use it, the phone will quickly come to low battery mode and this make a small necessity to stop using your phone to avoid immediate switch off.
This will rapidly reduce your phone usage in few days.

>Weekly Uninstalling Top Using Apps

Experience as many apps as you need and addict to whatever apps you wish throughout the week.
At the end of the week or one fine day just view the usage of apps. This can be viewed by Settings – Battery.
Tell yourself Bravo!! And boldly uninstall one of the top used app of the week. Whether it is a game, social networking app or any app.

Immediately you will realize how much time you can get more, by doing this bravo activity. Obviously you can spend these time in other things.
Do this uninstall activity weekly. It will give an excellent result to stop phone addiction.

>Use websites instead of apps

This is the most efficient technique for guys who addicted for social networking or particular website app.
Apps like Facebook, Google plus, twitter, Quora can be accessed with their websites itself. So, just uninstall those apps . So, you won’t receive any notifications in the home screen from these apps and there is no urge to open these apps frequently. 
You can visit these websites only if you wish and not because of their notification

>Stay out of themes and photo editing apps

A recent study reveals that most of the time spent in smartphone is in choosing the best themes for your phone and the next one is photo editing activities.

Generally these two activities won’t give immediate satisfaction and permanent satisfaction , resulting in spending too much time on these apps.

 So, it is better to uninstall photo editing apps and stop searching for new themes. Just keep a default simple theme.

>Reset Cache of highly addicted game

This trick is a bit psychological. Just say you are addicted with a game that is based on high scores like subway surfers or level up game like candy crush.

The same Bravo activity again. Just go to Settings – Apps- Clear cache of the game. So, the high scores and locked levels will be cleared.

Sure, the mind-set will be changed at once you clear the cache of the game. You will lose the interest suddenly to play the game again to gain such high scores or levels to unlock.
That’s it. You just came out of game addiction

>Stop notifications for Texting apps like Whatsapp

Notifications from apps generally motivates you to open the app and spend time in it. So for texting apps like WhatsApp, stop the group notification or mute it.

So, you will avoid frequent opening of those apps and open it only when you wish.
This will help for those who addicted to WhatsApp

>Remove home screen widgets

Those who are interested in experiencing new apps should frequently check their app collections and uninstall the less used apps.

Do this activity weekly. Keeping the home screen clean and widget free home screen will give you a clear mind set and avoid unnecessary opening of apps

All these tricks are shared by experience and working well.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Android : Call Forward | Call Barring | Call Waiting | Voice mail box settings -Enable /Disable

Those who are shifted from mobile handsets to Android smart phone may find difficulty in finding the settings menu for call Forward, Barring, waiting, voicemail etc.

Expand the topics below to know how to set corresponding settings in Android mobile phones.

How to get Call settings menu in Android :

1.       Go to call settings in settings menu (or) From your home screen, press the call Button
2.       Now, press the menu button. For some phones, it is bottom left button and for others bottom right is menu button.
3.       Tap on settings option
4.       Go inside voice call
5.       Now you can see a set of following options. Expand the following steps to know how to enable or disable each option in specific.

Call Forward :
You can see a set of options inside call forward.
1.       Enable When Busy and input your emergency mobile number for which the call will be forwarded
2.       Enable When Not reachable  and input your emergency mobile number . If you have dual sim, you can give the other mobile number so that you won’t miss any call .
3.       Enable When Switched off and feed the emergency alternate mobile number to forward the call when your phone is switched off.

Call waiting:
1.       In some phones , call waiting option will be hide inside other call settings.
2.       Just enable the check (tick mark) for call waiting option so that you will be notified about incoming calls if you are already in a call

Call Barring
Call barring settings need call barring password which must be first set by your network provider.
So, if you want to bare loan or international incoming and outgoing calls for some reasons like roaming , then you can request your customer care to enable this option.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Android : How to enable conference call in Android smartphone

In any mobile network including Aircel, Airtel, Vodafone, BSNL, Docomo, Reliance, Idea and Uninor making a conferencing call in Android and windows Smartphone is very easy.

Conference call in Airtel aircel android


  • Call to one of your friend you need to include in conference.
  • Once he attended the call, you should add the another friend to the conference
  • This can be done by Add contact to conference icon that is displaying right below the End Call button.
  • Similarly you can add 5 members maximum to the conference call.
  • The call charges will be based on your active plan whether post-paid or Prepaid.
  •  For example, you call tariff is 60 paise /minute, you are making a conference call with 5 people then you will be charged 3 Rupee per minute.

In some circles the mobile network charges 30 Rs/month for using conference call services. In most of the circles, they provide this service for free.
Better you have to check with your customer care number of your mobile network before making a conference call.