Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adsense. Show all posts

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Adsense : Wire Transfer | Bank Commission Details

Google Adsense Program has changed the payment system for most of the countries from cheque to wire transfer method.

As the delivery of cheques to the publishers requires lot of time to deliver, Google implemented the Wire transfer system for quickest transfer of monthly payment.

Google Adsense make the payment at 21st of every month and those who chose their mode of payment as Wire transfer will receive the money within 3 days (most of the case) after the transaction done by Google.

Changing the Payment method to Wire transfer:

  • Go to your Adsense account page. Click Gear Icon-Payments - Payment Settings - Payment method - Add a new payment method as Wire transfer
  • Add the Bank Details like Account number, Your Name as registered in the bank account , IFSC code of the bank , SWIFT-BIC code of the bank etc.
  • You can get the SWIFT BIC code from your bank customer care.
  • Note that you would be able to add the payment method once you reach the threshold limit.

Bank Commission for Wire Transfer: 
  • As it is familiar that the minimum threshold value is 100$ for Adsense payment , the commission fee for wire transfer is comparatively less that varies from bank to bank.
  • For example, the commission fee for Standard Chartered Bank, India per wire transfer transaction is 33 INR that is approximately equal to 0.5 $ 
  • Generally it is reported that the commission fee vary from 0.5$ to 1$