Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What is CAD promotion in Catia V5 and V6 | Part Promotion in Catia

 Part promote is a part of release process in Catia Enovia PLM. In the terms of Life cycle management, "Promote" generally refers to pushing the object to next stage of the work flow by getting proper approvals assigned in the system.

Specific to Part Promotion in Catia PLM, when an user promote a part , it will be considered as moved to Mature stage.

The matured part once frozen could not be demoted by the General CAD user. The intervention of Enovia PLM administrator is required to modify the status in such a case.

In certain circumstances, the user can recieve an error while promoting the part, "Change Maturity status failed, User do not have rights to proceed with this operation for current maturity status of the object, promotion Failed"

One of the main reason for "Part Promotion Failed" is the user will not have the rights that he tries to promote. It is always best practice to ensure that the user is the owner of the instance and reference to all other child objects.

And also it is mandatory to enter the values linked with PDEF , PDD properties , if they are defined in the WEB. The user can ensure to enter thickness, material properties etc in such a case.

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