Monday, June 24, 2019

Important Abbrevations Related to Education Department in India


  1. AI Accreditation Institution
  2. AC Advisory Council
  3. AEC Adult Education Centre
  4. AESDC Adult Education and Skill Development Centres
  5. AICTE All India Council for Technical Education
  6. AIDS/STD Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome/ Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  7. AISHE All India Survey of Higher Education 
  8. AIU Association of Indian Universities 
  9. AU Agriculture University 
  10. AYUSH Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy 
  11. B.A. Bachelor of Arts
  12. B.Ed Bachelor of Education 
  13. B.Sc. Bachelor of Science 
  14. B.Voc Bachelor of Vocation 
  15. BA Binary Accreditation
  16. BCI Bar Council of India 
  17. BDS Bachelor of Dental Surgery 
  18. BEO Block Education Officer 
  19. BLA Bachelor of Liberal Arts 
  20. BLE Bachelor of Liberal Education 
  21. BoG Board of Governors 
  22. BRC Block Resource Centre 
  23. CAD/CAM Computer-Aided Design/ Computer-Aided Manufacturing 
  24. CBCS Choice Based Credit System 
  25. CDAC Centre for Development of Advanced Computing 
  26. CEP Continuing Education Programme 
  27. CESD Central Educational Statistics Division 
  28. CFTI Centrally Funded Technical Institutions 
  29. CHC Community Health Centre 
  30. CIAE Central Institute of Adult Education 
  31. CIET Central Institute of Educational Technology 
  32. CNE Continuing Nursing Education 
  33. CPD Continuous Professional Development 
  34. CRC Cluster Resource Centre 
  35. CSR Corporate Social Responsibility 
  36. CSTT Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology 
  37. CTE College of Teacher Education 
  38. CU Central Universities 
  39. CWSN Children With Special Needs 
  40. DAE Department of Atomic Energy 
  41. DARE Department of Agricultural Research and Education 
  42. DBT Department of Biotechnology 
  43. DCI Dental Council of India 
  44. DEC District Education Council 
  45. DEO District Education Officer 
  46. DIET District Institute of Education and Training 
  47. DSE Directorate of School Education 
  48. DST Department of Science and Technology 
  49. DTE Department of Technical Education 
  50. EC Executive Council 
  51. ECCE Early Childhood Care and Education 
  52. ED Executive Director 
  53. EMT-B Emergency Medical Technicians-Basic 
  54. FOSSEE Free and Open Source Software in Education 
  55. GA Graded Accreditation 
  56. GDA General Duty Assistants 
  57. GDP Gross Domestic Product 
  58. GEC General Education Council 
  59. GER Gross Enrollment Ratio 
  60. GNM General Nursing and Midwifery 
  61. GoI Government of India 
  62. HBCSE Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education 
  63. HEGC Higher Education Grants Council 
  64. HEI Higher Education Institutions 
  65. HRDC Human Resource Development Centre 
  66. IAF Institutional Accreditation Framework 
  67. IAS Indian Academy of Sciences 
  68. IASE Institute of Advanced Studies in Education 
  69. IB Independent Board 
  70. ICAR Indian Council of Agricultural Research 
  71. ICDS Integrated Child Development Services 
  72. ICMR Indian Council of Medical Research 
  73. ICT Information and Communication Technology 
  74. IDP Institutional Development Plan 
  75. IIEC India International Education Centre 
  76. IILA Indian Institute of Liberal Arts 
  77. IIT Indian Institute of Technology
  78. INAE Indian National Academy of Engineering
  79. INC Indian Nursing Council 
  80. INI Institutions of National Importance 
  81. INSA Indian National Science Academy 
  82. InSCED Indian Standard Classification of Education 
  83. ISCO International Standard Classification of Occupations 
  84. ISL Indian Sign Language 
  85. ITI Industrial Training Institute 
  86. IUC Inter-University Consortium 
  87. JRMB Joint Review and Monitoring Board 
  88. KGBV Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya 
  89. LMIS Labour Market Information System 
  90. LSS Licence to Start a School 
  91. MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 
  92. MCI Medical Council of India 
  93. MERU Multidisciplinary Education and Research Universities 
  94. MHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare 
  95. MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development 
  96. MN Mission Nalanda MoE Ministry of Education 
  97. MOOC Massive Open Online Course
  98. MOU Memorandum of Understanding 
  99. MSDE Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship 
  100. MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises MT Mission Takshashila 
  101. MWCD Ministry of Women and Child Development 
  102. NAAC National Assessment and Accreditation Council 
  103. NAS National Achievement Survey 
  104. NASI National Academy of Sciences, India 
  105. NATP National Adult Tutors Programme 
  106. NCC National Cadet Corps 
  107. NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training 
  108. NCF National Curriculum Framework 
  109. NCFAE National Curriculum Framework for Adult Education 
  110. NCTE National Council for Teacher Education 
  111. NCVET National Council for Vocational Education and Training 
  112. NCVIE National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education 
  113. NDF National Doctoral Fellow 
  114. NEC National Education Commission 
  115. NEET National Eligibility cum Entrance Test 
  116. NETF National Educational Technology Forum 
  117. NGO Non Governmental Organisation 
  118. NHEQF National Higher Education Qualifications Framework 
  119. NHERA National Higher Education Regulatory Authority 
  120. NIEPA National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration 
  121. NIOS National Institute of Open Schooling 
  122. NIT National Institutes of Technology 
  123. NITI Aayog National Institution for Transforming India 
  124. NLM National Literacy Mission 
  125. NLP Natural Language Processing 
  126. NMC National Medical Commission 
  127. NMEICT National Mission on Education through 
  128. ICT NPDF National Post Doctoral Fellow 
  129. NPSDE National Policy on Skills Development and Entrepreneurship 
  130. NQR National Qualifications Register 
  131. NRED National Repository of Educational Data 
  132. NRF National Research Foundation 
  133. NROER National Repository of Open Educational Resources 
  134. NSDA National Skill Development Agency 
  135. NSDC National Skill Development Corporation 
  136. NSQF National Skills Qualifications Framework 
  137. NSS National Service Scheme 
  138. NTA National Testing Agency 
  139. NTP National Tutors Programme 
  140. OBC Other Backward Classes 
  141. ODL Open and Distance Learning 
  142. OER Open Educational Resources 
  143. PHC Primary Health Centre 
  144. PI Principal Investigator 
  145. PM Prime Minister 
  146. PSSB Professional Standard Setting Body 
  147. PSSCIVE Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education 
  148. PSUs Public Sector Units 
  149. PTR Pupil Teacher Ratio 
  150. QPs-NOS Qualification Packs - National Occupational Standards 
  151. R&I Research and Innovation 
  152. RCI Rehabilitation Council of India 
  153. RIAP Remedial Instructional Aides Programme 
  154. RIE Regional Institute of Education 
  155. RjSA Rajya Shiksha Aayog 
  156. RMSA Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan 
  157. ROI Return on Investment 
  158. RPL Recognition of Prior Learning 
  159. RSA Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog 
  160. RSAAC RSA Appointment Committee 
  161. RTE Act Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 
  162. RUSA Rashtriya Uchchtar Shiksha Abhiyan 
  163. SC Scheduled Caste(s) 
  164. SCC Standing Committee on Coordination 
  165. SCERT State Council of Educational Research and Training 
  166. SCMC School Complex Management Committee 
  167. SDG Sustainable Development Goal 
  168. SDP School Development Plan 
  169. SEC State Education Commission 
  170. SEZ Special Education Zone 
  171. SHEC State Higher Education Council 
  172. SIOS State Institutes of Open Schooling 
  173. SKP Skill Knowledge Provider 
  174. SMC School Management Committee 
  175. SQAAF School Quality Assessment and Accreditation Framework 
  176. SQAAS School Quality Assessment and Accreditation System 
  177. SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 
  178. SSC Sector Skill Council 
  179. SSDMs State Skill Development Mission 
  180. SSRA State School Regulatory Authority 
  181. SSS Simple Standard Sanskrit 
  182. ST Scheduled Tribe(s) 
  183. STEAM Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Design, and Mathematics 
  184. STEM Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 
  185. STS Sanskrit through Sanskrit 
  186. SVE School of Vocational Education 
  187. SWAYAM Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds 
  188. TEI Teacher Education Institution 
  189. TET Teacher Eligibility Test 
  190. TLC Total Literacy Campaign 
  191. U-DISE Unified District Information System for Education 
  192. UGC University Grants Commission 
  193. ULB Urban Local Bodies 
  194. UME Union Minister for Education 
  195. URG Underrepresented Group(s) 
  196. UT Union Territory 
  197. VCI Veterinary Council of India 
  198. VEI Vocational Education Institutions 
  199. VESB Vocational Education Skills Board 
  200. WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization