Wednesday, October 17, 2018

MatLab Beginner Interview Questions | Matlab Skill check for Beginners

What is the order of arithmetical operations in MatLab coding?

  1. Exponential function ^
  2. Negation -
  3. Multiplication *
  4. Division /
  5. Divides Into \
  6. Addition +
  7. Subtraction -
  8. Parentheses ( )

What are all the Logical Operators in Matlab?

  • OR represented by ||
  • AND represented by &&
  • NOT represented by ~

What is the difference between 'Divides' and 'Divides Into' in Matlab?

Divide represented by / , Divides into represented by \

Example for 5/10 = 0.5, where 5 is divided by 10 which would result in 0.5
Example for 5\10 = 2, where 10 divides in to 2 fives

When should I use Single =, double = in Matlab?

  • Single = to assign a value to a variable. ex: x=5 , assigns the value of x as 5
  • Double = to check whether the value of variable and returns the logical answer Yes (1) or No(0). ex: x==4, returns the result logical 0, since we have assigned x = 5 just before.

How to define ranges of values?

  • As a basic type, you can use : to create a set of numbers inside the range assigned for a variable.
  • For example, x=4:10 , will result in assigning the values to the variable x = {4,5,6,7,8,9,10}
  • One step ahead, x=4:2:10 will assign the values in increment of 2 between 4 and 10. (i.e.) , x={4,6,8,10}

What is the inbuilt function to round up a decimal number?

  • ceil(12.3) = 13
  • floor(12.3)= 12
  • round(12.5) =13

How to convert degrees to Radians in matlab?

  • Use the function deg2rad(170)
  • You will get the results as ans

How to generate random number in Matlab?

  • Command rand generates random number .
  • Type rand =  
  • To set the seed number that acts as a base of the random number, then you have to use the command, rng(xx) where xx is your seed number.
  • The random number will be a decimal four digit number, ex:0.5546. If you want a real random number, then you have to multiply this random number in to a value and store it in a new variable