Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Naukri: To Change Incorrect Email ID in Naukri website

While Registering for naukri website using email id, if you type the incorrect email-id by mistake and realized the mistake after filling the complete profile, then do not panic. You have an option to correct it.

To change the email address in Naukri :

  1. Log in to your naukri account using existing email id and password
  2. Now click My Naukri →Edit Profile Option
  3. Now, Profile snapshot page in which you can see your existing email-id
  4. Click Change Email-id option that can be found near the existing email-id
  5. In the Manage Emal ID page,  Add your new email ID in the Secondary Email ID field
  6. Verify the Secondary Email ID by clicking on the link ‘Verify’ 
  7. After Email ID verification, refresh this 'Manage Email IDs' page.
  8. Now, click on the link ‘Make this my Primary Email ID’.

Your email address will be updated successfully and you can use the new email-id from next session.