Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lenovo k6 power engineer mode code | USSD code to enter Engineer Mode in Lenovo K6 Power

In Lenovo K6 Power, Engineer mode allows you to self test the hardware features like Backlight, Touch Panel, TFllash, Bluetooth, SIM card, Vibration, RTC, SPeaker, Reciever, Headset slot, FM, Camera, LED, Battery, WLAN, Torch, Loopback, LCD, GPS, G_Sensor, Gyro Sensor, Proximity sensor, Optical sensor, FInger print, Magnetic sensor, OTG, Rawdata etc.

Lenovo K6 Power Engineer Mode code

You can check whether any one of the following item is properly working or not using this engineer mode using simple interface .

Apart from this you can get software kernel version, Hardware version, PCBA serial Number, Phone Serial Number, IMEI1, IMEI2 for both SIM slots, secur boot status etc.
  • To enter the Engineer mode, dial the code ####1111# in your lenovo k6 power phone dialer.