Monday, May 15, 2017

Whatsapp Blue tick Enable/Disable guide | WhatsApp disable Read Reciepts

How can I disable blue tick in WhatsApp  Android ?

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap on the three vertical dots appear on the right top corner of the screen.
  2. In the list of options, tap on Settings
  3. Select Account - Privacy 
  4. Scroll Down and you can find the option call read receipts with a check box
  5. Disable the read reciepts check box.
  6. Now , the other people will not see blue tick mark even if you read the message. But this is not applicable for group chat, voice notes.

To hide double tick in WhatsApp

There are two kinds of double tick appear near WhatsApp messages.
  • The grey colored double tick which appears once the message is delivered to the opponent. This cannot be hidden.
  • The blue colored double tick that appears to the reciever once you read his message. You can disable this in Whatsapp-Settings-Account-Privacy-Disable Read Reciepts .

Whatsapp blue ticks not working

  1. Ensure that Read reciepts are enabled. You can find this option in Whatsapp-Settings-Account-Privacy-Read Reciepts.
  2. If the option is enabled and still you can't view blueticks for some people, then it means that the other people have disabled read reciepts in their settings to have their privacy .

How to remove blue ticks from whatsapp iphone?

  1. To remove Blueticks from WhatsApp iPhone, Go to WhatsApp settings - Account - Privacy
  2. Now you can see a list of options.
  3. Scroll down and look for option "Read Reciepts".
  4. Disable the option .
  5. Now Blueticks will be removed fpr your mesaages sent to other people . But this setting is not applicable for group chat.

How to enable blue tick in whatsapp

  1. To enable blue tick in WhatsApp you have to switch on the check box for read receipts. 
  2. Go to WhatsApp settings - Account - Privacy .
  3. Enable Read reciepts.
  4. Hereafter you will see blue tick once the reciever reads your message. 
  5. But if the reciever has disabled this option , you will not see blue tick mark even if the message is read.

Whatsapp no blue ticks but replied:

  • You don't see blue ticks for the message you have sent but the other people have replied for it. 
  • This means that person at other side has disable read reciepts in their app settings to ensure their privacy.

Whatsapp blue tick download

You cannot seperately download blue tick mark for WhatsApp. You can get them by enabling read reciepts Whatsapp privacy settings.

How to disable read receipt in Whatsapp?

To disable read receipt in WhatsApp Go to WhatsApp settings - Account - Privacy - Disable the check Box for Read Reciepts option. But still you will see/send read receipts for group chat messages.