In FEA simulation and kinematic design simulation, the results will be in the kind of animation like
- Mode shape deflection in natural frequency analysis,
- Displacement contour for force applied simulation,
- Stress distribution contour for fatigue or strength analysis,
- Motion of the linkage in case of kinematic simulation .
To create GI animation file in FEA- NX Advanced simulation.
- Once you have solved the solution for the FE model , open the post processor.
- In Post Processing tool bar, click animation option.
- You will find the Red color play button.
- Click Play to view the animation in the screen. Once the animation is completed for one complete cycle, the GIF export option will be enabled in the toolbar.
- Click the Animated GIF option while the animation is playing and choose the desired file location and file name.
- Now the GIF file for the animation will be created.
- You can view it in any default browser like internet explorer, edge or chrome browser.
To create GIF animation file in NX Kinematic design simulation.
- Once you have obtained the desired link simulation of your kinematic assembly, open post processor
- In Post Processing tool bar, click animation option.
- You will find the Red color play button.
- Click Play to view the animation in the screen. Once the animation is completed for one complete cycle, the GIF export option will be enabled in the toolbar.
- Click the Animated GIF option while the animation is playing and choose the desired file location and file name.
- Now the GIF file for the animation will be created.
- You can view it in any default browser like internet explorer, edge or chrome browser.