Monday, April 24, 2017

To create GIF animation movie for FEA mode shapes in NX Advanced simulation | Create GIF animation of Kinematic simulation in NX

In FEA simulation and kinematic design simulation, the results will be in the kind of animation like

  • Mode shape deflection in natural frequency analysis,
  • Displacement contour for force applied simulation,
  • Stress distribution contour for fatigue or strength analysis,
  • Motion of the linkage in case of kinematic simulation .
If you create such output in GIF animation file, then the person who view the result will easily understand than the static images.

To create GI animation file in FEA- NX Advanced simulation.

  1. Once you have solved the solution for the FE model , open the post processor.
  2. In Post Processing tool bar, click animation option.
  3. You will find the Red color play button.
  4. Click Play to view the animation in the screen. Once the animation is completed for one complete cycle, the GIF export option will be enabled in the toolbar.
  5. Click the Animated GIF option while the animation is playing and choose the desired file location and file name.
  6. Now the GIF file for the animation will be created.
  7. You can view it in any default browser like internet explorer, edge or chrome browser.
You can control the number of frames, full or half cycle depending on your requirement .

To create GIF animation file in NX Kinematic design simulation.

  1. Once you have obtained the desired link simulation of your kinematic assembly, open post processor
  2. In Post Processing tool bar, click animation option.
  3. You will find the Red color play button.
  4. Click Play to view the animation in the screen. Once the animation is completed for one complete cycle, the GIF export option will be enabled in the toolbar.
  5. Click the Animated GIF option while the animation is playing and choose the desired file location and file name.
  6. Now the GIF file for the animation will be created.
  7. You can view it in any default browser like internet explorer, edge or chrome browser.
You can control the number of frames, full or half cycle depending on your requirement .