Home loan procedure in Indian bank step by step
- Step1: Approach your nearest Indian Bank Branch and Submit your loan application along with required set of documents to the Bank Manager.
- Step2: Your application would be accessed on the basis of various eligibility and funding norms.
- Step3: A property valuation and title check may be carried out by the company representative to determine the property value and legal clearance of the property to arrive at the loan amount.
- Step4: Based on the internal and regulatory guidelines, Indian Bank Home Loan may approve or reject the loan application.
- Step5: Submission of the original property documents are required along with signing of agreements, handing over of registered property papers and submission of post-dated cheques/ECS.
- Step6: Upon finding all the documents in order, India Bank Home Loan will disburse the loan amount to the developer/contractor based on the progress of construction. The EMI/Pre-EMI will commence after the disbursement.