Monday, September 5, 2016

mKisan | Monsoon Agriculture tips for farmers through sms all over India

As a part of Digital India initiative, mKisan sms service is operated specially for all farmers across every villages in India.

If the farmer is registered with the program, he will receive some useful tips, based on the monsoon related to crops available in the specific region.

Following are the few SMS tips received from mKisan.
  • To increase the yield of coconut, every year nutrient application and bio-fertilizer application is important for the coconut palm. 
  • While raising the tapioca fertilizers should be applied based as soil testing otherwise follow Tamil Nadu Agricultural University general fertilizers recommendation.
  • Farmers are advised to go for green gram cultivation during this season. Varieties such as Co-8, VBN-2 are suitable for cultivation. 
  • Soil test based fertilizer recommendation advisable while tomato. Otherwise, follow University recommended fertilizer application.
To register for mKisan sms service, send an sms “KISAAN REG < NAME > , <STATE NAME >, <DISTRICT NAME>, and <BLOCK NAME>” (only first 3 letters of State, District & Block Names are needed) to 7738299899