Monday, August 22, 2016

Sun Cellular: Roaming activation / Deactivation in Sun cellular Prepaid / Postpaid Philippines

Roaming Activation in Sun cellular:

  1. To activate roaming in Sun prepaid sim, send an sms ROAM ON to 222. Postpaid users have to call 200 to activate roaming before 24 hours leaving Philippines
  2. You will receive an confirmation sms for activating roaming services. 
  3. Now, once you leave Philippines and landed the foreign country Go to your phone settings → Mobile networks
  4. Look for the option to choose network operator manually
  5. In the list of network operators , choose SUN 

Roaming De-Activation in Sun cellular:

  1. To deactivate Roaming in sun Philippines, Send an sms ROAM OFF to 222
  • Incoming calls will be charged when you are in Roaming
  • Incoming sms is free while you are roaming in other countries than philippines
  • Minimum balance of P100 is required to keep roaming active