Thursday, August 18, 2016

KVB : To activate IMPS in KVB | Karur Vysya Bank IMPS activation steps

Inorder to activate IMPS in KVB, the user has to register with mobile banking. To register with mobile banking, it is necessary to have an Android smartphone, your mobile number registered with bank.

Benefits of KVB IMPS Instant mobile transfer:

  • Transaction is very fast (less than 5 minutes)
  • Money can be transferred any time (24x7)

To activate IMPS in KVB:

  1. If you are an existing KVB customer, then from your Android smartphone Go to google play store
  2. Download KVB mPAY app.
  3. After the app is succesfully installed, open it
  4. Click the Sign Up Button
  5. Click mPAY Registration
  6. Click mPAY Registration → Debit Card
  7. Enter Customer ID . This ID can be found in your kvb bank passbook.
  8. Enter 16 digit debit card No.
  9. Enter your ATM PIN
  10. Enter Card Expiry Date in the format - (MMYY)
  11. Enter Mobile number which is registered with Bank while creating the account
  12. OTP & the mPIN will be sent to the registered Mobile Number
  13. Enter the OTP received in the app.
  14. Set the Application Password
  • Transfer of funds via IMPS can be done only between banks participating in IMPS. To know the list of banks participating in IMPS, click here
  • You need to be registered for Mobile Banking in order to use IMPS facility.
  • Maximum of Rs.500000/- can be transferred per day through IMPS.
  • In case for any reason, technical or business, IMPS transaction is not completed then reversal of the funds will happen immediately. In case if such a transaction becomes a subject to reconciliation wherein the status of transaction is not determined immediately, reversal of funds will happen in seven days