Thursday, August 18, 2016

Android: To save / download mp3 / video file in Android Chrome Mobile browser


Most of us would search for save page or save file option in Chrome Mobile browser when we need to download a mp3 audio file or some video file playing in Chrome browser.

There is no save page option in menu. But chrome has shifted this option to somewhere.

To save mp3 file in Chrome mobile Browser:

  1. To save a mp3 file or video in Android Chrome mobile browser long press over the play button or over the video that is playing. If you dont see the option, click the play button and do long press.
  2. Now a link Save video or Save file will appear
  3. Click save video option to download the video in your local storage
  4. The file will be downloaded and saved in Downloads folder by default

For Older versions
  • If this is not working, update your chrome browser or copy the link from the address bar and paste it in the default Android internet browser
  • Now a pop up will appear to save or open the file
  • Click save file option.