Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Windows 10: To stop automatic update, download in Windows 10 while using wifi, mobile hotspot internet

Windows 10 OS has very less control over the user to disable automatic download through direct option. It would be a big disadvantage for those who uses mobile Internet in Windows 10 laptop , using Mobile hotspot option, Wifi tethering, USB tethering or blue tooth tethering option.

To stop automatic download in Windows 10 in wifi connection :

  1. After connecting the wifi network, Go to Network settings that can be selected by clicking on Wi-fi symbol in traybar
  2. Now select Advanced options in Wi-fi settings
  3. Enable metered connection as ON. If metered connection is set ON , then the system will not download security updates, software updates etc.
  4. One more setting is , open services.msc from search bar and disable the Windows update services