Wednesday, June 8, 2016

NX: To apply thickness for a thinshell mesh in NX Advanced simulation FEA

To apply thickness for FEA thinshell mesh in NX

  1. Ensure that .fem file is made as work part or displayed part.If not, in simulation navigator right click on the .fem file and make as workpart
  2. Now Expand 2D collectors and right click on the Thinshell mesh collector that you need to apply thickness
  3. Select Edit. Now Mesh collector window opens
  4. Near the shell Property drop down list, Edit option will be available. (Spanner icon) Click on it.
  5. Now in the physical property table, look for Default thickness parameter. Enter the thickness value in Thickness box
  6. Click OK to save physical property table
  7. Click OK to save Mesh collector table. Now the thickness will be assigned to the specific 2D mesh collector.