Monday, June 27, 2016

NX FEA: Delete elements with / without deleting the related nodes in NX

In Finite Element Modeling, Elements are formed based on the nodes. If an element has to be deleted manually, then the nodes related to the elements will remain undeleted that ma create issues while solving the FE model. In some case, the user mat wish to keep the nodes without deleting it, for further use (ex: to create a new element). NX Advanced simulation - meshing application has both the options, to keep or to delete related nodes while deleting a specific element.

To delete elements with / without deleting the related nodes in NX:

  1. If you want to delete an element ( like rigid element, solid element, 2d thin shell element) but to retain the nodes related to the element,
  2. Go to Edit Element Delete Element
  3. Now in the Delete element window, uncheck (disable) 'Delete Orphan node' option. 
  4. Select the elements need to deleted and click OK

If you want to delete the element and all its related nodes, then Go to Edit Element Delete Element. Enable the option 'Delete Orphan nodes' and select the elements to delete and select OK.