Sunday, June 12, 2016

Dish TV: To change the pack through online | SMS code to change Dish TV pack

Dish TV DTH pack can be changed, upgraded through online and also thorugh sms codes. For both methods, you have to register your mobile number first in Dish TV.

To change Dish TV Pack through online

  1. Go to official website of Dish TV and click My Account button
  2. Log in with your Registered mobile number or 11 digit VC card number. If you forgot your password, click forgot password option to get new one as sms to your registered mobile number
  3. Once you logged in to your Main Account page, look for Upgrade Pack option
  4. Click it and choose your new pack
  5. Click OK to save your pack.

To change Dish TV pack through sms

  1. From your registered mobile number, send an sms DISHTV UP <pack price> <11 digit vc card number> to 57575
  2. Within few minutes , you will receive an confirmation message about your new Dish TV pack and price.
You can also call Dish TV customer care, to upgrade or change your current Dish TV pack.