Wednesday, May 25, 2016

OCI card - Overseas citizen of India Card for new born baby - Guidance to collect

oci card india for child

If your child is born in a foreign country and visiting India for the first time, then you should apply for an OCI card (Overseas citizen of India card) immediately when the child is visiting India with proper documents, and paying the required amount as dd .

Within one month of registration, a letter of notification will be sent to the Indian permanent address of the child (mentioned in passport) from FRRO .

The child along with his parent, with the passport of the child, passport of the parent, notification letter from FRRO, acknowledgement form after registration should be carried while collecting the OCI card to the FRRO during week days office hours (10.00 AM to 5.00 PM)
OCI card for new born baby

To collect OCI card through nominee :

If the parent is not available in the country to collect the OCI card, then the parent can authorize a trustable person with a proper reason to nominate . The nominee should bring a letter authorized by the parent to collect the OCI card. It is preferable if the nominee is true blood relative like brother, sister,mother in law, father in law of the parent. Then nominee should bring the following documents while collecting OCI card.
  1. Notification letter to collect OCI card received from FRRO
  2. Passport of the baby
  3. If the parents are not available, then an authorization letter written by the parent with valid reason and nominating person, attached with the address, id proof the nominating person.The nominating person should be his brother, grand father, grand mother (own blood relation) etc.
  4. PIO card, RC/RT if any. From January 2015 the PIO card issue was stopped and OCI card serves the purpose.
  5. A self attested photocopy of the parent's passport, adress/id proof of the nominee should be provide at FRRO at the time of collecting OCI card.