Thursday, April 28, 2016

Android: Solo launcher - Remove search bar from home screen

Solo launcher is one of the popular Android smartphone launcher known for its highly customizable settings. In recent updates, Solo launcher introduced a new search bar in home screen and some users find difficulty in removing the search bar

To remove search bar in Solo Launcher

  1. Tap on the center of the search bar in Solo launcher
  2. Now in the search page opened, a small logo of Solo will appear on the corner
  3. Tap on the small SOLO logo to open search settings
  4. Disable the search bar to remove it from home screen

To stop annoying notifications running in background in SOLO launcher

  1. In home screen, select menu button
  2. Select Solo settings → Battery
  3. Disable notification bar
  4. Hereafter notifications will not appear by solo launcher in Task bar