Sunday, April 24, 2016

Android : Change file extension in Android File Browsers- pdf,bin,zip,rar,7z | View Bin file in android

In Android Smart phones, the default file browser allow the user to rename only the file name. If you want to change the extension of the file, then follow any one method mentioned in this article.

To change file extension in Android Phone :

  1. Go to Google play store and download ES file explorer developed by ES APP Group. After Installing the ES Explorer in your smart phone, browse the file in ES Explorer and select rename option to change the extension of the file
  2. Connect the smart phone with any Windows laptop or PC. Browse the desired file and select rename option to change the extension of the file.


  • Use this option only when it is necessary. For example, if you download any secured pdf file in Android browser, it will download as .bin file. In that case, you have to rename it as .pdf to view the file
  • If you rename pdf to doc or jpeg to png or xls to txt, then the file will appear as corrupted. You need to use file converter tools to perform such conversions.

To view bin file in Android :

  1. Open ES file explorer . If you dont have it, get it from google play store
  2. Now rename the file extension from .bin to .pdf and select OK
  3. Now, you will be able to view the file in PDF reader
  4. If your bin file is in another format, then you have to change the extension accordingly to view the file.