Saturday, March 12, 2016

Troubleshoot : Windows could not start the print spooler service on local computer

Issue : Windows could not start the print spooler service on local computer

Troubleshoot :
  1. In start menu , type services.msc and select the services (Desktop app) in windows 10, Windows 7.
  2. Now, look whether spool is running in the services list
  3. Simultaneously, Go to file explorer and open C:\Windows\System32\ and search for spoolsv.exe
  4. Right click on spoolsv.exe and select properties → security tab → Advanced → Owner → Change → Administrator. Select OK to save the settings.
  5. Now close the services option and restart it again.
  6. Now open the command prompt, by typing cmd in start bar
  7. Type the command, del /Q C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS\*.* and press enter
  8. Now, start the spooler in services window.