Tuesday, March 15, 2016

NX Unigraphics : FAQ

To create or extract centreline of tubes or hoses in NX

  • For measuring purpose, use 3D center line option
  • Incase if you need center-line curves for modeling purpose, then use the option basic curves → Line to draw straight lines and used Edit curve → Trim option to make corner and give appropriate fillet radius , You can use isometric curving option to get 3 points for fillet arc.
  • If you could not pick the centre line of the curve, then use isoparametric option for entire tube, and connect the centre line using sd spline curve option.

To delete face

Use Delete face option. Uncheck the heal button

How to know the centre of gravity , centre of mass , centroid of a solid component in NX

  • Go to Analysis -   Measure - Measure Bodies ; Select the body you need to find center of gravity - Check (Enable) show information option under results display section
  • Now a information window will open that displays a list of measurements. Centre of gravity will be displayed as Centroid = X, Y, Z coordinate.
  • Similarly you can check Volume, weight, Radius of Gyration of a solid body in NX

Promote body in NX

Promotes a body from a loaded assembly component to the level of the assembly.
Insert - Associative copy - Promote body

While working with an idealized part in advanced simulation module, you should promote or wave-link (Associative copy) a  body in order to use it in meshing task.

To create section curves in NX using Clip section tool

  1. Select Edit section tool
  2. Now View section form will be opened
  3. Adjust the section plane in your required position
  4. Now , in the view section form → Section Curve Settings → Enable Show section curves Preview option and select save copy of section curves once.
  5. Now, in part navigator you can see the section curves are stores as a group.
  6. You can use this section curve for study purposes or modeling another shape or use it in drawing sheets.

To display zero after decimal characters in Sketch Dimension in NX

  1. Right click on the dimension
  2. Select Settings option
  3. In Text section , select units
  4. Now you can see an option to change decimal places.
  5. Increase it from 0 to 1 or 2 as per your requirement
  6. Select close
  7. Now, you can see the trailing zeroes in the dimension.

Issue: Graphics display partially missing in NX

  • Solution 1 : Right click and select Fit. Now the problem will be resolved.
  • Solution 2 : RIght click and select Refresh, Update display, Fit one by one.
  • Solution 3: Restart NX.