Saturday, March 12, 2016

NX Nastran: Failed to write and solve, see info window for details | Troubleshoot

While solving a solution set in NX Nastran or Nastran integrated advanced simulation module, you may receive this warning "Failed to write and solve, see info window for details".If you notice the following errors, then refer the Troubleshoot method, to resolve this error.

The familiar problem would be ,material and thickness might not be defined for some of the mesh collectors.

Some elements in mesh "ThinShell(1):2d_mesh(1)" have missing nodal thicknesses in their
element associated data.
ACTION: You might forgot to define thickness for the thin shell collector.Ensure that all elements in mesh have at least one non-zero nodal thickness value defined or define a thickness value in the physical property of the mesh collector.

No material associated to 2-D mesh "ThinShell(1):2d_mesh(1)".
Either no material is assigned to the mesh or some of the underlying geometry (body) do not have a material.
ACTION: You might forgot to define material for some mesh elements.Apply a user defined material to the mesh or to all of the underlying geometry (body).