Friday, February 5, 2016

Unigraphics NX FAQ

How to change hifen to zero in tabular note in Ungraphics NX Drafting ?

By default, in NX drafting, if you enter only Zero in a cell of tabular note, it will display as hifen .
To change this setting and to display as zero ,

  1. Right click the tabular note
  2. Select cell settings
  3. In setting window select Common → Cell tab → Format → Zero display
  4. Now change the option from Dash to zero , for zero display 
  5. Select close to save the setting.

How to reduce the length of section line in Unigraphics NX Drafting?

To reduce the length of section line in UG NX drafting, you have to reduce the boundary of the view, where section is drawn.
You can also hide the section line and draw a new line manually , as per your desired length.

Not able to pick and hide curves, points in Unigraphics NX Drafting, How to solve?

  • If you are not able to pick curves and points in NX drafting view, you have to follow two things.
  • Ensure that there is no filter set. You can see Type filter option , near Menu option
  • Still you are not able to select the curves, points in the view, then Right click the view → Select Expand and select the points and curves

How to change background color in Unigraphics NX modeling and drafting?

  • To change background color in NX Modeling, Go to Menu → Preference → Background, and select the desired color.
  • To change background color in NX drafting, you can follow the same procedure as mentioned above. In addition you can also use Menu → Preferences → Visualization → Under Color/Font tab → Enable Monochrome display to make the drawing appear Black and white.
  • You can disable this Monochrome display anytime to bring back the color drawing. 

How to break the link of a tabular part list from excel spreadsheet in NX Drafting?

  • By default, there will be link for tabular note with excel in NX drafting. Sometimes, it will be very slow to edit the values .
  • If you want to break the link of the table with excel spreadsheet, Right click the table and select Edit without spreadsheet.

How to hide dimension text value in NX drafting?

There are two different option to hide a text value in NX drafting.

  1. Change the size of the dimension value into 0.001 , It will make the dimension value disappear in drawing.
  2. Or else, Right Click the Dimension → Click settings → Select Format → Text → Enable Override text dimension → Remove the text value manually → Close the window to save the settings.

How to change or replace the dimension text value in NX drafting?

  • Right Click the Dimension → Click settings → Select Format → Text → Enable Override text dimension → Change or Replace the text value manually → Close the window to save the settings.
  • If you couldn't see the option, delete the dimension and Make the view as Active sketch view . Now redraw the dimension and proceed with the settings mentions above.

How to insert a box for dimension value (Critical, inspection dimension) in NX drafting ?

  • To insert a box for a dimension in NX drafting, Right click the dimension and Enable Inspection dimension option.
  • If you want squared box, then try following step.
  • Right Click the Dimension → Click settings → Select Format → Text → Enable Override text dimension → Replace you dimension value with the syntax <&70><+>Dimension Value<+><&90>

What is the difference between curves and basic curves?

The lines and curves drawn using basic curves option will not be stored in history tree.
But the lines and curves drawing using Standard Curves options will be stored in history tree. You can change it manually later.

How to mark the dimension as reference dimension in Unigraphics NX drafting?

Right click the dimension → Select settings → Under Reference tab → Enable Show are reference dimension option.

How to draw 2 2D centre line for symmetrical lines in NX drafting?

Select 2D center line option. If you couldn't find the option, find using Command finder tool.
Now , select the 2 lines that you want to create a center line.

How to insert Surface finish symbol in drafting?

  • Select Feature Surface finish symbol. If you couldn't find the option, search it in command finder option and select it.
  • In the window, you can give the type of Modifier, lay Symbol, Cutoff Value, Waviness Value etc

How to make hidden edges invisible in NX modeling wireframe view?

  1. Go to Menu → Preferences → Visualization → In Visula Tab → In Dege Display Settings → Enable Hidden Edges and select Invisible option
  2. Click OK to save the settings.

What is the difference between work coordinate system WCS and Absolute coordinate system in NX drafting?

  • Work coordinate system is equivalent to Sketching plane. It is useful to orient the view in desired position etc. We can place the WCS in different orientation as many times we need, using Orient WCS option
  • Absolute Coordinate system is the global, immovable Coordinate system which has been created when the model is created.

How to measure the coordinate points of tube in Unigraphics NX?

  1. Draw center line of the tubes using Basic curve option
  2. Create Points on the corners and Bends
  3. Measure the Coordinates of the points using Menu → Information → Point