Monday, February 15, 2016

NX Advanced Simulation: To delete Element, Node in NX FEM meshing

To delete an element in NX Advanced Simulation - Meshing

  1. Ensure that .fem is active
  2. Go to Menu → Edit → Element → Delete Element
  3. In the delete element form,UnCheck Delete Orphan Nodes, if you need the dependent nodes later.
  4. Select the elements that needed to be deleted
  5. Click OK

You can undo the operation using undo option or Ctrl+Z short cut key, if you want the deleted elements back.

To delete a node in NX Advanced Simulation - Meshing

  1. Ensure that .fem is active
  2. Go to Menu → Edit → Node → Delete Element
  3. Select the elements that needed to be deleted
  4. Click OK
  5. Note that, the nodes that are connected with element cannot be deleted alone. You have to delete the element first, and to delete the nodes

You can undo the operation using undo option or Ctrl+Z short cut key, if you want the deleted elements back.