Monday, January 4, 2016

FEA Meshing : How to Revolve the elements manually in Hypermesh, Ansys

In manual meshing, it is possible to revolve

  • an element edge into quadrilateral elements
  • a triangular face into a solid wedge element
  • a quadrilateral face into a brick element

To revolve elements:

  1. Select the method to control the axis of the revolution, such as Rotate
  2. Select the type of element that you want to create.
  3. Pick the element edges or faces from which you want to revolve elements. You can specify the number of elements to revolve. 
    • To revolve:2D elements, pick element edges.
    • To revolve 3D elements, pick element faces.
  4. Depending on the revolution method you chose, define the direction of the revolution.
  5. Enter the translation distance. (As each element is revolved, you can translate it along the rotation axis.)
  6. Enter the number of elements to revolve in succession from each element edge or face.
  7. Enter the starting label for the elements revolved, and enter the increment used to generate the remaining element labels.
  8. Enter the starting label for the nodes generated, and enter the increment used to generate the remaining node labels.
  9. Specify the physical property table and material to use for the extruded elements.