This article helps you to add a specific channel in Big TV DTH, Remove, Deactivate channels, Account Information , and registering your mobile number .
> Add a Specific Channel in Big TV DTH
- SUB<SPACE>SMS Short Code<SPACE>SCN Number to 554546
>To check Big TV Balance, recharge due date thorugh SMS
- In your tv screen, Go to Services menu to check your balance, expiry date
- Call the toll free number 1800 200 9001 and enter your smart card number to know your balance and validity.
- You can also download RELIANCE DIGITAL TV app from google play store , to know your account balance and recharge due date.
>New / Change Register Mobile Number , Big TV DTH Selfcare
Using android app, you can update your Registered Telephone Number (RTN) by sending it as a Query in the below format.
- Enter Subject as : Update RTN
- Enter Comments as : Update RTN < telephone number > SCN < 12-digit Smart Card Number >.
You can also register or update your registered mobile number by contacting the toll free customer care number 1800 200 9001
>To complaint or contact Big TV Helpline
Call Customer care number 1800 200 9001 to contact Big TV DTH from
any landline or mobile number in order to get any assistance regarding your Reliance Big TV DTH