Friday, December 11, 2015

Finite Element Simulation : Overview of Existing Packages - Hyperworks , NX Siemens Advanced Simulation

Present day CAE tools like Hyperworks, NX Advanced simulation tool  give you access to powerful geometry construction and editing capabilities, extensive capabilities for building models, and a wide selection of solutions to simulate real world conditions. Information on design performance is fed back to you in graphical form so that it's easier to understand and communicate through the design process. The Simulation tools are tightly coupled into a team engineering environment. These powerful capabilities are easy to use and provide intelligent guidance through the simulation process.

Important features of the Simulation package will include:

  • Geometry tools
  • Modeling tools
  • Integrated solvers
  • Post processing tools
  • Intelligent tools

The Geometry tool will assist you to prepare the CAD model of the components and Pre-processing tasks like meshing, defining boundary conditions can be carried out using Advanced simulation tools.
The mesh model can be solved using integrated solvers like NX Nastran, Optistruct etc.

Intelligent tools will help the user to improve the design. The intelligent tools usually consists modules like design optimization, Mesh modification etc