Thursday, December 24, 2015

Difference between Hypermesh and Hyperworks | Finite Element Analysis Softwares

Hypermesh Vs Hyperworks

Hyperworks is a complete package of computer Aided analysis (CAE) which includes various pre -processing, processing (solvers) and post processing packages.
Hypermesh is a part of Hyperworks which has only Pre-processing features like meshing, load application tools etc.

Apart from Hypermesh , there are various softwares included in Hyperworks. The user or an organisation can purchase only the necessary softwares in the package based on individual's requirements.

Hyperworks majorly includes
  • Optistruct → Solver utilized for Linear and non-linear structural analysis, accomponied with design optimization tools
  • Radioss → Solver for linear and non-linear structural analysis, specially for Automotive crash analysis and impact analysis.
  • Hypermesh → A powerful Preprocessing meshing application
  • Hyperform → Solver for Metal forming technique
  • Acusolver → Solver for CFD Finite element analysis
  • HyperView, HyperGraph → Post Processing tools to view the solved results of FEA simulation.
Hyperworks software packages is currently developed by Altair Engineering, an American product design software developing company.