Monday, December 14, 2015

Finite Element Analysis : Applying Boundary Conditions - Basic Tutorial

Applying Boundary Conditions

Before or after generating the mesh, we can define the boundary condition to the FE model to further process it for the solver.

Two types of Approaches in Applying BCs

  • Before generating the mesh →Geometry-based boundary conditions for the model. The free mesh generator creates a node for every boundary condition applied to a location on an edge or a location on a surface. The software automatically modifies geometry-based boundary conditions during part update and adaptive meshing.
  • After generating the mesh we can define node- and element-based and most geometry-based boundary conditions.

Applying boundary conditions is a crucial step in Finite Element analysis pre-processing . So the basic understanding of the real world scenario is must and likewise, the parameters like load conditions, constrains ect should be chosen appropriately to reflect the real world condition.