Monday, November 23, 2015

Punjab National Bank - PNB | Missed call Number for checking Balance enquiry in PNB

To check balance in your savings or current account in Punjab National Bank, missed call option is introduced.

Steps to Know your Balance in Punjab National Bank (PNB):

  1. Give a missed call to the number 1800 180 2222 from your registered mobile number . To register your mobile number to your branch of Punjab National bank , you can do it directly in your branch or otherwise you can also register it through online banking account.
  2. After giving a missed call, within 5 seconds you will receive an SMS stating the balance like "Avl Bal as of 10-03-2015 08:33:20 A/c-XXXX6598 : 4,542.18 -Canara Bank"
You can use this facility whenever you can . But don't use this option very frequently as some banks may indirectly cost you in some other ways for such facilities .

Other ways to check balance of Punjab National Bank account :

  • Go to any ATM center nearby and insert your Punjab National Bank debit card, Enter your PIN and choose the option check balance in the screen. Now your balance will be shown in the screen. After seeing the balance, cancel or End the screen and ensure it is logged of before coming out
  • If you have online internet banking account in Punjab National Bank , just go to official Canara internet personal banking website and login with your userid and password to know your account summary including balance, deposits etc.
  • If you have android Smartphones, then Install PNB m-banking application app from Google Play store. Register for one time and you can manage your PNB bank account from your phone itself.