Friday, November 27, 2015

FEA : Post Processing Tools for Ansys, Hypermesh, NX Nastran, Solidworks | Visualizer for FEA results

FEA : Post Processing Tools

Once the model is solved, we need to review and interpret results. The Post Processing task and the Visualizers available in CAE packages like Hyperworks (Hyperview), Solidworks, Ansys, NX Advanced simulation etc provide many graphical techniques for displaying results data.

In addition, Post Processing provides capabilities for manipulating the data for further understanding. Specific result quantities, such as principal stress, can be derived from the input data without going back to the solver.

We can also define our own results calculations, for example, to define failure criteria (Vonmises stress, max principal criteria, minimum principal criteria etc) . Data can be sorted across a range of load sets to find worst-case conditions. Output of specific numerical data is available by selecting locations on the screen.

Text information and reports are still often needed to communicate with others. The Simulation software provides capabilities for getting sorted tabular reports, displaying specific model and results quantities in text form directly on the FE model, and placing