Thursday, October 8, 2015

Idea Cellular: Activation , Deactivation of Idea Missed Call Alert through SMS , USSD code

Missed call alerts in Idea Cellular : Activate or Deactivate

If you are in not reachable location or if your phone is switched off condition, you can get missed call alerts through SMS from Idea Cellular, once you get back the signal coverage area or switch on your mobile phone.
Idea Cellular call this facility as Missed call Alerts. This article describes how to activate , deactivate the service through USSD code method.

This Missed call service is applied for following Regions : Andhra Pradesh,  Assam, Bihar & Jharkhand, Delhi & NCR, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh, Maharashtra & Goa, Mumbai, North Eastern States, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu & Chennai, Uttar Pradesh East, Uttar Pradesh West & Uttarakhand, West Bengal

To Activate missed call Alerts in Idea Cellular:

  1. To activate missed call alert, from your Idea Cellular mobile number send an sms SUB MCIF15  to 54300
  2. First 15 days is free of cost. After 15 days, you can renew for 30 Rs per month.

 You can deactivate missed call alerts on Idea Cellular whenever you want.

To deactivate missed call Alerts in Idea Cellular

  1. To deactivate missed call alert, from your Idea Cellular mobile number send an sms STOP to 155223
  2. Now you will receive an sms contains a list of services activated by you. Reply the number corresponding to Missed call alert.
  3. Deactivation does not include any cost and it is free of charge.

You can also deactivate through computer voice facility by dialing a free call to 155223 (toll free number)